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NO, herpes doesn't last for more then a few seconds when it's exposed to air or fluids. Washing the clothing would kill any signs of the virus.

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Q: Can a person get herpes from washing their clothing in the same load of wash with clothing from someone who has herpes?
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Can you get herpes from someone that is not infected?

Herpes can only be passed through direct skin-to-skin contact with the infected area such as kissing, intercourse, genital-to-genital rubbing, vaginal intercourse.Herpes (both oral & genital) can be spread even when there are no symptoms or sores. This is called asymptomatic shedding.In case you have herpes, I recommend you to watch the #1 way to get rid of herpes Permanently -

Is herpes zoster infectious?

Herpes zoster is caused by varicella virus, the same virus that causes chickenpox. If someone with herpes zoster lesions has skin-to-skin contact between those lesions and the skin of a person who has not had chicken pox or the vaccine, that person may get chicken pox.As it is caused by virus it is infectious diseas.

If herpes is not present can you still get it from kissing?

If one person does not have herpes, it is highly unlikely for them to contract it by kissing someone with herpes. However, there is still a small risk of transmission if there are active herpes lesions or sores present on the person with herpes. It is always advisable to practice safe kissing and maintain good oral hygiene.

How is herpes transmitted from one person to another?

Herpes is spread by coming in contact with the herpes virus. The herpes virus can be spread even when a person isn't having an outbreak.

Can an immunocompromised person die from herpes?

It is not likely you will die from a herpes infection.

Can you spread herpes virus from one person to the other by towels and washrags?

No. Once you wash something the herpes virus is destroyed. It also doesn't live outside of the body for more than a few seconds. Herpes spreads through contact like kissing, having oral sex or intercourse with someone that has herpes.

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You can't get chlamydia from sitting right behind an infected person. Chlamydia is spread by sexual contact with someone who's infected. You can get it from oral, anal, or vaginal sex; genital-genital contact; sharing sex toys; or birth to an infected woman.

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Describe the state of a herpes virus in a person who had cold sores several years ago but who does not have them now?

The state of a herpes virus in a person who had cold sores several years ago but who does not experience any symptoms in the present is called remission. The herpes virus never actually goes away so even if someone is not showing any symptoms they are still a carrier of the virus.

What diet should a person with herpes be on?

Someone diagnosed with herpes should eat foods with a high lysine-to-arginine ratio, such as yogurt, parmesan cheese, cow's milk, and avocado. More information can be found in the following link:

Is it possible to get a genital herpes to somebody not through sex but by just using someones panty?

The chance is very small. Once herpes hits air the virus will die almost instantly. Herpes isn't likely to rub on the surface of a towel, toilet, clothing or other items. If the herpes virus happened to rub on the surface of an item the virus would die before a person came in contact with the virus. Some studies report herpes could spread by sharing a drink but the chance is almost non existent. You can get genital herpes through genital-genital contact or genital-oral contact with someone who has herpes infection. The virus is most easily spread through contact with open sores. But you also can get the virus from skin that does not appear to have a sore. You can become infected with the herpes virus without having intercourse.

Can you get herpes from receiving oral from someone with an ulcer on their lip from biting their lip?

Yes, you can get herpes from a bite if the person who bit you had a cold sore at the time, or in the period right before a cold sore appears. The infection would affect you at the site of the bite.