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There are countless stories of people with multiple broken bones that have been denied benefits

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Q: Can a person has a fracter in their back get social Security?
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Can a person get your social security number by using the red number on back of the card?

No. The red numbers on the back of a social security card are control numbers that verify the authenticity of the card. They serve no other purpose.

Can the state of Wisconsin take your social security check for back taxes owed?

If a person owes the the state of wisconsin dept. of revenue back taxes of $13,000. or more can they levy social security and penison monies?

Is there any expiration date on the social security number which was granted to the F1 visa student who worked on campus?

Social security numbers do not expire. They belong to the person who receive them for life. If the person legally returns to the United States, they would pick right back up using the same social security number.

What does the number on the back of social security mean?

The red numbers on the back of a social security card are control numbers that verify the authenticity of the card. They serve no other purpose.

Can a person with a felony conviction and prison term draw social security disability benefits after they are released from prison?

there is no statute that prohibits some one from collecting social security payments from the time their service is over. If they were to go back to prison the payments would stop and then go back to the governemtn.

Can a dependent of an INCARCERATED person get social security?

Yes, if you are eligible for Social Security benefits, you will still receive your benefits. According to the Social Security Administration, the person incarcerated will not receive monthly Social Security benefits, but benefits to their spouse or children will continue as long as those dependents remain eligible.

How can you get the balance you owe to social security?

One has to apply for their Social Security. If an application has been made and there are monies owing to you then it is important to contact your local Social Security office and file a claim for the funds that are owed to you.

What impact does moving to another state have on receiving back money from social security disablity?

None; Social Security is a Federal program.

Can you be identified by the numbers on the back of your social security card?

No. The red numbers on the back of a social security card are control numbers that verify the authenticity of the card. They serve no other purpose.

What do the numbers on the back of a social security card mean?

The red numbers on the back of a social security card are control numbers that verify the authenticity of the card. They serve no other purpose.

What does Social Security most look for in its disability paperwork?

The social security office will check to make sure that the person is entitled to social security payments, that he is fully covered, what his illness is, can he work at least part time. They will do a complete check on the background, the type of work they do, how much they earn and more. It can take months before they get back to you so be patient. Then you will not know if you qualify or not. It is not easy to get social security disability checks these days.

Can you cash a past social security check of a deceased person?

No. The Social Security check is intended for that person only, and is not transferable. If the legal recipient is deceased, you're supposed to notify the Social Security Administration and return the check or follow whatever other instructions the representative gives you. People who attempt to convert the deceased person's check for their own use may be charged with one or more felonies.