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Q: Can a person hold for safe-keeping a controlled substance prescription against the will of the person it was prescribed for?
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Chantix IS a prescription drug. As such it is a "controlled substance" and must be be prescribed by a physician.

Why is levothroxine a controlled substance?

The compound is a medication prescribed to combat low thyroid activity. It is a prescription-dispensed medication and therefore is a "controlled" (i.e.; NOT over-the-counter) substance .

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Viagra is not a controlled substance. It is a legend drug which means it must be prescribed by a legal prescriber and cannot be given to or taken by anyone other than the recipient of the prescription.

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Provigil (aka - modafinil) is a medication generally prescribed for narcolepsy. Being a controlled substance, this drug may only be obtained via a physician's prescription.

What is Narco for pain?

Narcotics for pain are in prescribed medications. They are a highly controlled substance and you cannot get any without a prescription and they are usually mixed with other pain killers and are called mixed-opiates.

Is zofran a controlled substance?

No it is not, but you must have a prescription for it.

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Where can you get phentermetrazine?

I'm not sure what "phentermetrazine" is. Phendimetrazine is a Schedule III controlled substance, so it requires a prescription; I don't think it's commonly prescribed any longer.

Is diclofenac sodium a controlled substance?

It is a prescription medication used to treat/control the symptoms of severe arthritis. As a prescription drug it is classified as a "controlled substance" under the law.

Is Ambient a controlled substance?

No, but it is prescription only & not over the counter.

Can you fill a prescription in Illinois for a controlled substance that was written in Indiana?


How long is a controlled substance prescription valid in Florida?

6 months from date written on prescription hardcopy