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It is possible but not easy. It is your right under the Interstate Compact, but it is a lengthy approval process. You would be better served to complete parole in North Carolina then moveto California, that is unless you have access to big money to lubricate the system and make it move faster.

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Q: Can a person on parole in NC move to California?
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Transferring to another state while on parole can be done after negotiating with the parole officer and parole board. There is a national board called the Adult Interstate Compact office which seems to organize these transfers. There are typically fees that must be paid to apply for the transfer and then some states charge a monthly fee of $30 to $135 to manage the out of state case.

Can a 12yr old move out of home in NC?

No you can not.

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No, especially if you're on parole or probation a second DUI can be a felony or misdemeanor that results in a heavier sentence.

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Lumberton, NC

When can you move out in nc?

You may move out when you are 18, although im not sure if you can move out earlier if your parents are "bad" or anything

Can you vote in NC while on state probation?

Yes, as long as your not on Parole- You would have to notify your Parole officer. If you are on Probation and have an appt to see your probation officer, just let him know and reschedule the appt. Do not just go and not show up for appt!

What is the legal age for somebody in NC to move out?

i think the legal age to move out should be 18

What's the hour difference between NC and California?

3 hours

What city has the same latitude as San Diego California?

Charlotte, NC

Is it legal to move out in Kentucky at the age of seventeen if you graduated high school?

As long as your parents say it is OK then you can go. I went into the military at 17 and traveled to NC from California. Or if you are going to school then you can leave home.

What is the age to move out of parents home in NC?

18 when you are an adult.