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If their debts are more than 30K, yes (although the 30K would need to be declared and will go towards paying off the creditors).

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Q: Can a person still file for bankruptcy even though they recently won 30k?
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Can a person who declared bankruptcy be bondable?

Yes, a person is still bondable. They just have to be able to pay their bond or have a clear background check to be bondable.

Can a person file for bankruptcy and still keep their home?

sometimes but barley ever

What happens to an incomplete bankruptcy filing if the filer dies before its completion?

The filer has to be in person for the 341 meeting so the bankruptcy would be dismissed. A bankruptcy may still be discharged if they are just waiting on the judge to discharge the bankruptcy.

If I filed for bankruptcy months before my house was going to go into forclosure & the bankruptcy was complete,then my house was just about to go into forclosure can I still apply for the Obama mrtge relief plan even though I listed my house in the bnkrpc?

Yes, you can still apply for Mortgage Relief after filing bankruptcy.

If 2 people are on a home 1 signs over a quitclaim deed moves out and files bankruptcy will the other person loose the house do to the bankruptcy?

A quitclaim deed says the signer no longer has any ownership or responsibilities to the property in question. However, if there is a mortgage in the signers name, he or she is still responsible for that debt, even though they no longer own the property. If a person files bankruptcy after signing a quitclaim deed, any mortgage owed is still factored into the bankruptcy proceedings. If the court so deems it, and it is a common practice, filing a quitclaim deed just prior to filing for bankruptcy can be considered fraud. It is best to consult a bankruptcy attorney familiar with local laws prior to signing any document.

Is there a hardship law for volunteer repossession of a car in Georgia?

Yes, it is called bankruptcy. Move quickly though. If the lender obtains a judgment against you before you file bankruptcy, you will still owe on the loan.

If you cosigned a loan and then went bankrupt and the original loan person skipped on the loan are you now liable as the cosigner even though you went bankrupt before?

Yes you are still responsible, especially if you didnt put it in your Bankruptcy, Any obligation you dont include you are still responsible for

If you have a promissory note from a person who filed for bankruptcy in Texas can you still recover the money you were owed?

No. In fact, if the debt is paid after a bankruptcy has been filed the entire bankruptcy can be considered invalid and all other debtors will be able to demand payment.

Can you file for a voluntary dismissal of a chapter 7 bankruptcy in Arizona?

You can dismiss a bankruptcy anywhere (at least in the U.S.) Check with an attorney to see how this will effect you though. You will still have a bankruptcy on your record and will still owe everything. Speak with an attorney about your specific situation. If you can not find an attorney, contact your local Bar association and they will refer you to one.

If you have a promissory note based on a business loan and you file bankruptcy on that business loan is the promissory note still valid?

Even though you file bankruptcy, you still have to honor the promissory note. If you are ordered to make installment payments then you will have to pay the promissory note in installments.

Your friend recently filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy and she has moved to another country Is it possible she is involved in bankruptcy fraud?

hard to answer only she would really be able to answer that. Depending on which country she moved to if she don't come back why file? ANSWER If she informed the people she is/was dealing with and still complies with the rules of her bankruptcy there shouldn't be any problems.

Is child support taken during a bankruptcy?

In general, bankruptcy stops debt collection, at least temporarily. However, child support debts are not discharged in bankruptcy - the bankrupt person still owes whatever support was ordered by the court(s).