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No, It states in Romans and all throughout The Bible that once you become a Cristian (receive Christ) then you are saved forever. The sad thing is this: When you backslide (stop living for Christ) you drag Jesus along with you. Everything you do He sees you doing it and is crying for you to choose to follow Him with your life, even though your heart is still His. Even though we get saved and become a Christian, and even though the "old man" (sin) has died and we are made "new" in Christ, that old man still wants to live again.

Live for Christ, read your Bible daily, and join a good church. It will help you from dragging Jesus' Name through the mud.

The scary thing is, how sure are you that you truly trusted Christ as your Savior? The evidence for being born-again is a changed life, a repenting of (turning away from) sin. While born-again believers still sin, they are less likely to be in gross sin, and more likely to repent of it if confronted by another believer. Be sure you're sure! Many call themselves Christians because they once prayed a sinner's prayer. The prayer doesn't save you--the trust in Christ does.

But if you have truly trusted Christ as your Savior, you need not fear--eternal life is eternal, not temporary or conditional.

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A true Christian cannot go to hell. Once a Christian has believed that Christ is God's son, and that He died for our sins, we forever have the gift of eternal life in heaven. Once you have asked Jesus into your heart, even if you go to another religion, you still have the eternal gift of life with Christ Jesus. You will just be punished, like everyone else, for everyone sins. John 3:16b "For Whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish (in hell) but have everlasting life."

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Q: Can a person who has received Christ as the Saviour still go to hell?
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