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Q: Can a pregnant woman of 21 weeks take pho 16 pill?
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When the man sperms up a woman can you take the pill after?

Yes if you are on the pill and forgot it that morning you can take it after. If you are not on the pill you can get the morning after pill up to 3-5 days after. Take a pregnancy test 2 weeks after.

When your pregnant after 3 weeks or less if you take the pill that can kill the baby would it work?

The abortion pill works up to the 9th week. No other pill works. If you mean the birth control pill or morning after pill, it will not work as soon as you are pregnant.

Could you get pregnant if you have been on the pill three years but not taken it proply an getting light bleeding when you have the weeks break?

Any woman can get pregnant on the pill - It isn't 100% effective even if you take it properly. If you haven't been taking it properly, you're even more susceptible to falling pregnant if having sex. The pill makes your bleeding lighter, so I'm not sure that lighter spotting has much to do with the predictability of getting pregnant. If you want to take the pill and don't want to get pregnant, you should use it properly and use a condom. Take the pill at the same time each day. Be aware that taking antibiotics can make the pill useless for the time you are taking them + approx. two weeks. You should always use a condom, regardless.

Can i take morining after pill if 2-3 weeks pregnant?

No. You cannot take the morning after pill when you're 2-3 weeks pregnant. The pill is meant to prevent pregnancy and to be taken within a few days after unprotected sex has happened. Taking the morning after pill now will not abort your pregnancy and will likely cause harm to the fetus (especially since the first trimester is a crucial time for development.)This is also clearly stated on the Morning After Pill box and pharmacists will not give someone who is pregnant this pill.

I don't have periods as i am on the pill injection now but think i are pregnant as a couple of weeks ago i was on the pill and always forgetting to take it When Should i take a test?

now, maybe in a couple more weeks. but stop taking the pill if you think you are. I suggest you use condoms instead of pills.

What pill to take to get pregnant?

You cant take a pill to get pregnant ! Getting pregnant involves having un-protected sex !

If your 3 weeks pregnant but don't know it should you keep taking the pill in case you aren't or stop taking it in case you are?

Take a pregnancy test, which will certainly be positive if you're three weeks pregnant.

How long should you take the pill before trying to get pregnant?

If you are trying to get pregnant then you should not take the pill at all.

How soon does a woman knows she is pregnant?

It varies but the earliest she can take a test is 2 weeks after sex.

Can your girlfriend get pregnant if she has missed one pill a week for the first two weeks of a package She will take the missed pill the next day?

Yes, she can get pregnant but it is less likely than if u used nothing at all. Every missed pill drops the effectiveness rate.

What is the right time to take a pregnancy test if you are on the contraceptive pill?

first thing in the morning 2 weeks after missed period If you are on a combined pill you should not miss a period and you should not be pregnant if you are taking it correctly. If you are on a progesterone only pill your periods may not be regular so if you think you may be pregnant wait at least 2 weeks after sex.

You are 9 weeks pregnant what should you eat?

There is no special diet for 9 weeks pregnant woman. She can take the diet she likes. She need to take 5 mg folic acid daily in first three months.