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Q: Can a prostrate be checked during a colonosopy in lieu of a rectal exam and if no why not?
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What is rectal anastomosis?

During a rectal resection, the surgeon removes the diseased or perforated portion of the rectum. If the diseased or damaged section is not very large, the separated ends are reattached. Such a procedure is called rectal anastomosis.

What position is require during internal hemorrhoids are examined through the use of a proctoscope?

Sims' (lateral) is used for vaginal or rectal examination, for obtaining a rectal temperature, for sigmoidoscopy, or for administering an enema.

How would a medical doctor physically examine the prostrate of a male client?

This is called a digital rectal exam, or DRE. The doctor puts on a rubber glove and sticks a finger inside the patient's anus to feel the prostate, checking for swelling or size/shape irregularities.

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rectal sparing

What are some rectal cancer symptoms?

One very obvious sign of possible rectal cancer is bleeding from your rectum. You might also notice a change in the size and/or color of your stool. In addition, you might have pain upon sitting or when having a bowel movement. Any symptoms such as these should be checked by your doctor immediately.

Does the doctor do a rectal temperature for 6th grade physicals?

In this day and age, I would doubt it. That's not to say, certain circumstances wouldn't call for a rectal temperature, such as a high fever or other medical condition warranting a core reading. Otherwise, there should be no need for a rectal temperature during a routine physical.

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where can I buy a rectal tube for pediatrics

When you have a pap smear do you also have to have a rectal exam to?

No you dont have a rectal exam with it, at least I have never.... Rectal exams are done by different doctors.

What is the digital rectal exam for colon cancer?

digital rectal exam (DRE). The DRE includes manual examination of the rectum, anus, and the prostate. During this examination, the physician examines the anus and the surrounding skin for hemorrhoids, abscesses, and other irregularities.

What does ovulation fossa mean?

The ovulation fossa is a depression in the ovary from which the egg is released during ovulation in the horse. A veterinarian can palpate this fossa during a rectal palpation exam.

How do you get rid of your newborn' s constipation?

Let him drink water, rectal stimulation to make him go or checked if formula is overdiluted when prepared. Overdilution can cause constipation. Formula fortified with iron makes you constipated.

What are the causes of rectal cancer and the signs one should get a rectal exam?

The cause of rectal cancer are not all known. However, you should get a rectal exam if you experience unusual tiredness, nasuea, bloody stools, abdominal cramps, and a change in bowel habits. These may be signs of rectal cancer.