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no and i was wondering too!

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Q: Can a ps3 play smackdown vs raw 2006?
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Where can you play raw vs smackdown 2008?

Smackdown vs Raw 2008 is available on ps3, ps2, psp, wii and ds.

Smackdown vs raw 2006 internet?

What do you mean? Are you asking if it's possible to play online on Smackdown vs Raw 2006? In case so, yes you can.

What game is better WWE Smackdown vs Raw or WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2006?

Wwe Smackdown vs Raw 2006. Improved Graphics and good gameplay make this game very good. you should play it.

How do run on Smackdown vs Raw 2011 on ps3?

the same as smackdown vs raw 2010

Does it cost money to play smackdown vs raw 2010 online on the PlayStation 3?

No, PS3 has free online play therefore SvR10 is free to play online on the PS3.

Is there going to be smack down vs raw 2012 for the playstation 2?

i dont know much about smackdown vs raw but i know that ps3 games are not made for ps2 anymore. ps3 games can play on ps2 but ps2 games can not play on ps3 :(

Is WWE Smackdown vs Raw 06 on ps3?

No it was not

Will there be Smackdown vs Raw 2011 for ps3?


Will Smackdown vs Raw 2011 be out on PS3?

Yes, it's available on PS3.

Can a smackdown vs raw 2010 PS2 game play on PS3?

well if all other ps2 games can be played on ps3 why wouldn't this one?

Are There superstar threads on Smackdown vs Raw 2010 on PS3?

yes smack down vs raw 2010 is on ps3

Is Smackdown vs Raw 2011 for ps2 and 3?

Yes, Smackdown vs. Raw 2011 is available for both PS2 and PS3.