

Can a rabbit be pregnant but then not give birth?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Yes, it is very rare but can happen. The term for such a baby is a "mummified kit". Again, very rare and most often causes the doe to become infertile/sterile.

Most people who "know" their rabbit is pregnant and then don't end up with a litter didn't have a pregnant doe. False pregnancies can also lead people to worry the litter is "stuck", but again, the doe wasn't actually pregnant.

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Q: Can a rabbit be pregnant but then not give birth?
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im not sure but i think that they start yelping or makng wierd noises and then the babies just kinda squeeze themselves out..sorry if that dosent help at all. i had a friend who had a pregnant rabbit and i was there when it gave birth so yeah, that's what i remembered

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