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Of course not. Engine will not run from lack of air, and even if it would, it would not be able to pull itself out.

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Q: Can a ramcharger get out of a hole made by a bulldozer after being pushed in and covered up?
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Why do dump trucks have Do Not Push painted on the back?

Vehicles which are used for sitework typically go into unimproved job sites, and may be stuck. A common method of rectifying this is to push the vehicle out with a bulldozer. However, if the dump body is made of aluminum, or it has a spreader on the back, it may be damaged by being pushed out of the mud by a bulldozer.

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rocks being pushed together

Did you get ran over by a chimp in a bulldozer?

Yes at one point in my life I was run over by a chimp driving a bulldozer that he had stealthily stolen from a secured heavy machinery dealership. This chimp's name was Bobo and Bobo had a long history of being a violent little monkey, and at times having bulldozer driving tendencies. .

Why do you get thrown back by a gun?

The action is the bullet being pushed out of the barrel. The equal and opposite reaction is the gun being pushed back.

What is it called when you get pushed around?

Being bullied.

What type of mountain form in areas where rocks are being pushed together?

rocky moutains form when rocks are being pushed together.

Why does pressure decrease with increase in length?

Pressure effected by the volume of substance being pushed through. For instance, the longer the hose, the more water being pushed through=greater pressure. The shorter the distance the less water being pushed through=less pressure.

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What does homogined mean?

To be pushed into being a homosexual, or encouraged.

Can you get scoliosis from being hit hard in the back by being pushed?

No, it is usually something your born with.

What is the animal called being pushed over the edge?
