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No, even when the refexive pronoun starts the sentence, it is not the subject of the sentence. For example:

  1. Himself a carpenter, Joe offered to fix the church's broken step.
  2. Myself, I have no opinion on the matter.

In sentence one, the noun Joe is the subject of the sentence; in sentence two, I is the subject of the sentence.

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Yes, a reflexive pronoun can be the subject of a sentence. For example, "I myself am responsible for the mistake." In this sentence, "myself" is the subject.

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Q: Can a reflexive pronoun be the subject of the sentence?
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Can you use a reflexive pronoun that is not the same as subject?

A reflexive pronoun is a restatement of the noun antecedent. The antecedent may or may not be the subject of the sentence. If the antecedent is not the subject of the sentence, then the reflexive pronoun would not be the same as the subject. Examples: For a subject antecedent: She made that dress herself. For another antecedent: This dress, made by Mary herself, won first prize. (the subject is 'dress'; Mary is the antecedent for the reflexive pronoun)

Can himself be used as the subject in a sentence?

No, the pronoun 'himself' is a reflexive pronoun used to 'reflect back' to the subject in a sentence. Example: Dad made himself some breakfast. The pronoun 'himself' is also a intensive pronoun used to emphasize its noun antecedent. Example: Dad himself made breakfast. Even when the pronoun is the first word in a sentence, it is not the subject of the sentence. Example: Himself a cook, dad always makes breakfast. (reflexive use of the pronoun, the subject of the sentence is 'dad')

Does a reflective pronoun direct the action of the verb back to the subject?

Yes, a reflective pronoun directs the action of the verb back to the subject, indicating that the subject is performing the action on itself. This helps clarify that the subject is both the doer and the receiver of the action.

What is the reflexive pronoun in the sentence I hurt myself yesterday?

The reflexive pronoun in the sentence is "myself." It is used when the subject and object of the sentence refer to the same person or thing, showing that the action is being done by the subject to themselves.

What is a reflexive sentence?

A reflexive sentence is a sentence that includes a reflexive pronoun, such as "myself," "yourself," or "itself." The pronoun reflects back to the subject of the sentence and indicates that the subject is also the object of the action. For example, "I hurt myself" or "She taught herself to play the piano."

Is yourself an adjective?

No, "yourself" is a reflexive pronoun, not an adjective. It is used to reflect the action of the subject in a sentence back onto the subject itself.

What is the reflexive pronoun for Don't work in pairs everyone has to do the exercise?

The sentence edited to use a reflexive pronoun:Don't work in pairs, everyone has to do the exercise themselves.Don't work in pairs, everyone exercise by yourself.Note: The sentence, "Don't work in pairs, everyone has to do the exercise." is an imperative sentence. The subject of the sentence is "you", an implied subject. In this sentence, the pronoun "you" is used as a plural.In the first edited example, the reflexive pronoun "themselves" is "reflecting" the plural subject antecedent "you".In the second edited example, the reflexive pronoun "yourself" is "reflecting" the singular indefinite pronoun "everyone", the subject of the second part of the compound sentence.

Is the reflexive pronoun closer to the verb or to the indirect object of a sentence?

A reflexive pronoun usually comes after the verb in a sentence. For example:Dad made himself some breakfast.Dad made some breakfast himself.When the reflexive pronoun comes directly after the subject of the sentence, it is called an intensive pronoun, used for emphasis. For example:Dad himself made breakfast.

What type of pronoun is myself?

"Myself" is a reflexive pronoun, which is used when the subject and the object of a sentence refer to the same person or thing. It is used to emphasize the subject or to indicate that the action is being performed on the subject.

Is the word Itself reflexive or intensive?

The word itself is intensive. An intensive pronoun is used to emphasize a preceding noun or pronoun, while a reflexive pronoun is used when the subject and object of a sentence are the same. "Itself" does not refer back to the subject of the sentence, but rather intensifies or emphasizes the noun or pronoun it is attached to.

Which pronoun ends in self and renames the subject?

The pronoun that ends in "self" and renames the subject is a reflexive pronoun. It reflects back to the subject of the sentence, emphasizing that the subject performed the action on itself. Examples include "myself," "yourself," "himself," "herself," "itself," "ourselves," "yourselves," and "themselves."

What are some questions related in reflexive and intensive pronoun?

What is the difference between a reflexive pronoun and an intensive pronoun? How do reflexive pronouns function in a sentence? Can an intensive pronoun be substituted for a reflexive pronoun? Why do we use reflexive pronouns when the subject and object are the same? Can you give examples of sentences where reflexive pronouns are needed?