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No they cant, but in the Sims 2 PC and mac, Console, Nintendo DS, and in The Sims 3: Seasons

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Q: Can a sim have alien baby in pet stories?
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How can you have an alien Sim baby fast?

Make a male sim stargaze (at night of course), and there is a big chance he'll be abducted, and then returned pregnant with a human or alien baby. Good luck!

How many days until the male sim has an alien baby?

same as girl sim. 3.

How do you see an alien on sims life stories?

you cant really, you need a cheat to make an alien sim but if you want to see one abduct a sim your outta luck

On the sims life stories can you have pets?

No, but there is another game Sim Pet Stories where you can have pets.

How do you get a purebred alien sim on The Sims 2 double deluxe?

at night time, you have to have your sim "stargaze" with a telescope. if they get lucky they will be abducted and the sim will then be pregnant (given the household can hold another sim and the sim is an adult) it does not matter if your sim is male or female, they will have an alien baby either way.

Why did your sim die on sims pet stories?

Your sim may have died from hunger or depression, and if you sim is pregnant, it will die quicker if it is hungry. Hope this helped.

Sims 2 who do you get aliens?

If you mean how I have the answer. I know three ways to have an alien sim. 1.Go into Strangetown and play as the Smith family. They have two aliens in the household. 2. Go into Strangetown and play as the Curios family. Pascal is due to have an alien baby. 3. Get your sim to use the expensive telescope to stargaze until abducted by aliens. Your sim will return pregnant with an alien baby.

On the Sims Pet Stories how do you finish story two?

How can you have an alien baby on Sims 2?

This is a very good question. Considering I play The Sims 2 a fair bit, I can answer your question. If your sim is a woman, it may be harder for her to have an alien baby. Men can be abducted and will most likely get alien pregnant. if you do want an alien baby, type in 'boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true' in the neighborhood view. enter the lot, shift-click on a sim, go to spawn... tombstone of life and death. click that option. once the object appears next to your sim, click the object and go to 'more options'. click 'make me alien pregnant'. once you hear the lullaby, your sim is pregnant. finally, click on 'speed up pregnancy'.

Why wont my alien sim get alien pregnant on sims 2?

The alien sim can't get pregant. But it can make human sims pregant, even boys, or children! But sorry an alien sim can not get pregant!

Can you make your sim alien and vampire?

Yes, your sim has to be born an alien, then get bitten by a vampire.

How do you turn into a Ailen in sims 2?

you can't turn your sim into an alien, but they can give birth to an alien baby (even if they are a guy) just stargaze with a telescope at night.