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Of course. Torque is the product of the (force) times (its distance from the axle).

If the force you have doesn't produce enough torque, you simply apply the same

force farther from the axle, and that increases the torque.

That's why, if you can't crack the nut with the wrench you have and the

strength you have, you slip a piece of pipe over the handle and make the

wrench look twice as long. In that way, you have temporarily transformed the

wrench into a "Persuader", and the nut is highly likely then to be persuaded.

If you can arrange for the small force to be exerted at a long enough distance

from the axle, it can apply as much or more torque than the larger force can

when applied closer in.

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Q: Can a small force ever exert a greater torque than a larger force?
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Can small force exert greater torque?

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the perpendicular force applied at the end of a wrench handle. Because torque= Fd / T = F d cos θ therefore the greater the distance the greater the torque. T=torque F=force d=distance cos=cosine θ=theta