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Q: Can a smashed lightning bug still produce light?
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Can there be a thunderstorm with no lightning?

Thunder is caused by the explosive expansion of air that gets super-heated very quickly by a lightning bolt. There can be no thunder without lightning, although you may not be able to see the lightning that caused it.

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the ASA number indicating the amount light it can manage to still produce an accurate image

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he still wrestles, but he had his eye socket smashed in at one time

When lightning appears in the remote distance and appears to produce no thunder sound?

It still produces thunder - however... the further the sound wave travels through the air, the more it weakens. If you're a long way from the storm - chances are the sound of the thunder will have dissipated before it gets to you.

Can miracle grow replace sunlight?

no, miricle grow is a fertiliser, plants still need light (if not sunlight) to produce glucose

Why do two light bulbs remain lighted when one burns out?

There is still electricity being transmitted to all 3 lightbulbs, but the one that heated up too much or that just broke is not going to be able to collect the transmitted energy, therefore, it's basically like having no lightbulb there at all.

If you haven't heard thunder in 30 minutes but can still clearly see the lightning is it possible to be struck?

Yes. If lightning is still in your vicinity, you're still in the danger zone, even if you don't hear any thunder.

Can you have June bugs for a pet?

Yes, if you mean lightning bugs, you have to capture them first- they only are active in the summer a colonly of them in a large fruit jar, well it has possibilities. The bugs, along with the glow-worm produce cold light, unique in the animal kingdom and only imperfectly copied by mankind. exactly how the cold-light reactions go is still somewhat ofd a mystery, there are thought to be two fluids- Luciferin, and Luciphrase, and both are required to get the greenish cold-light reaction.

Would a plant still grow at the light compensation point?

Yes, a plant can still grow at the light compensation point. The light compensation point is the level of light intensity at which the rate of photosynthesis equals the rate of respiration in a plant. At this point, the plant is able to produce enough energy through photosynthesis to sustain its growth and metabolic processes.

What is the spear of god?

Lightning. 11 Sun and moon stood still in the heavens at the glint of your flying arrows, at the lightning of your flashing spear.