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Yes. Snakes have been known to kill and sometimes eat other snakes.

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Q: Can a snake kill another snake?
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Would you kill a bear or a snake?

I would kill a snake.

Can a crocodile kill a snake?

Yes, and the snake can also kill the alligator, or to be precise, caiman.Depending on what kind of snake cobra yes

What snake can kill you in less than 6 seconds?

rattle snake can kill you

Can a snake kill an elephant?

Well it maters if the snake has enough poison. If it does not it can not kill an elephant.

How do you beat the snake?

you can kill a snake when it attacks you... u can strangle it but it will bite you too! :D first kill the snake and after this go to hospital

If you kill a snake will ten snakes kill you?

no this is false if anything one snake would kill you and even then the chances are slim

What snake will chase another snake?

Kingsnakes. They actually hunt and kill other snakes using constriction. That is how pythons and boas kill their prey. They wrap their bodies around the neck or torso, and keep squeezing until they can't breath anymore.

What snakes kill other snakes?

King Cobras and Kingsnakes and any other snakes with 'King' in the name will eat other snakes. There are others apart from those mentioned that are ophiophagus (meaning that they eat snakes) such as the Indigo Snake.

Is a rat snake able to kill a copperhead and rattler?

is a rat snake able to kill a copperhead and rattlesnake

How long does it takes a snake to kill a person?

It depends on the snake.

Who was the God that slew a snake that guarded the Sacred spring?

Apollo. He killed the snake because the snake tryed to kill Apollo's mom because the snake heared from an oracle that the son of the mom would kill the snake.

What dogs kill snakes?

no dogs can kill a snake