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Q: Can a sociopath regret losing a good person?
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A narcissist would not want to lose a person that plays up their narcissism. Like a person that constantly complimented them about their good looks, intelligence, personality, etc and admired them. I bet they would regret losing someone like this, an infatuated kiss a**.

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nope. Don't try it. You'll regret it, Trust me.

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It depends on the context. A single act of evil does not necessarily define a person as evil overall. Honorable individuals may make mistakes or act out of character at times. It's important to consider the person's overall behavior and intentions before passing judgment.

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If you always put yourself in the other person's situation you can almost always catch yourself before you do something that you'll regret.

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Does the person that dumps the other usually regret it?

Usually when one person dumps someone for another person they have good reasons and rarely do they regret their dumping of one person to be with another, although it's been known to happen. If this is your case, don't worry and fret about it, move on in life and don't wait for him or her to come back.

What do you do if you regret doing something?

it does depend on what it is you regret. If you regret being negative towards someone you could apologize for this and then it will settle your regret. however if you can not do this in the situation, you must acknowledge your regret and the reasons for this and then identify what this can teach you so that in the future you can avoid doing this again. it is important to remember that everything you have done so far in life has made you the person you are today therefore if you can learn from the good and the bad and better yourself today there should be nothing you can regret.

Is sociopath reason for disability?

Yes, These people need to be relieved from the pressure of working in society. They have the ability to slander good employees and destroy their careers. So it is a benefit to any company not to hire a sociopath. It is also a responsibility for society to care the sociopath because they are mentally ill just as as schizophrenic is...There is NO treatment available for the sociopath .

How do you aproach your first kiss?

You must wait for that special moment and just.. do it. Make sure it's as good as you hope and with the right person or you will regret it. :)

How does a evil person turn into a good person?

That is a good question, I dont think it is possible for an evil peron to change, because usually an evil person is a sociopath or a psychopath or mentally ill or is just plain insensitive so there is no "real" way to change a person like that unless they get born again which is impossible. Hope it's the answer you are looking for.

IS it possible for a person to have been so surrounded by sociopaths as a child that as an adult they cannot distinguish who is or is not normal?

That's an interesting question. The average "normal" or non-sociopath cannot readily distinguish between the two. That is why the sociopath's style works for them. It may be that such a person, whom you describe, is actually at an advantage for distinguishing between the two. If you educate yourself on the traits of a sociopath, you'll find that there are subtle, but very distinct behaviors that a person shows when he/she actually has emotions. While a sociopath can mimic the expression of emotions, they fail horribly (but mostly undetected unless you are looking for it) at mimicking the reception of emotionally rich stimuli. In other words, they display short, awkward responses to incredibly disturbing events. So, if you actually have the ability to feel, you know, because youfeel it. You feel guilt, remorse, sadness (not to be confused with the sociopath's ability to cry... because crying also expresses frustration and exhaustion and impatience...which a sociopath does experience), love, empathy, sympathy, etc. Anyone who displays these things and also displays the effects that these have on a normal person long after the event, is not a sociopath. There is help for victims (those whose lives have been skewed by the involvement with, or effects of a sociopath-like person. (You can find more on Marion Trent's website: http:/ on the internet. Be very careful about the sources you use... most are quite accurate, others, that also sound less professional and responsible, are not accurate. You can start with the link mentioned above for more information. It is a very good site that I recently found after studying the condition for a number of years. Good luck.