

Can a soda change it state?

Updated: 11/18/2022
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7y ago

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Yes, it can change state. Just freeze it.

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Q: Can a soda change it state?
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If you Shake The Soda Is The Physical change Y You ExploteThe soda Is the Chemical Change..................................... .................... ..................... ......................... .............................. .................................. ...................................... Keep Reading...................... ............................................... ................................................ Well I Think So!

Why is soda that goes flat a physical change?

Opening a soda can/bottle is a physical change. A good way to figure this out is to ask- can the change be reversed? Soda is formed when carbon dioxide (CO2) gas gets mixed with the flat soda to cause the bubbly fizz. When soda can is opened the pressure causes the CO2 to create an explosion of bubbles. Soon after the soda 'calms down' it eventually becomes flat. this flat soda can once again be 'injected with carbon dioxide to become bubbly.

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If baking soda reacts with vinegar, it is a chemical change.

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chemical change

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The vinegar-baking soda reaction is a chemical change.

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Paris calls soda "soda" it doesn't change just because it is a different country!!!!!

Is soda freezing in the freezer a chemical change?

Soda freezing in the freezer is a physical change and not a chemical change. This is because the liquid is only changing into a solid.

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When a soda is shook is it a physical change?

Yes, it is a physical change.

Crushed soda can physical or chemical change?

physical change

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