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Q: Can a submarine blow up in water?
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How can a submarine which is under water be brought to the surface?

The fastest way is to use compressed air to blow water out of the ballast tanks. This makes the submarine buoyant and it raises to the surface. The faster it is done the faster the sub will go up.

Why nuclear reactor is used in operating a submarine?

This can be used to blow up enemy ships (e.g E12)

Why does a submarine can sink and float in water?

because the submarine has the water tank.when the tank is filled then submarine sink in the water.and when the tank is empty then submarine float in water.

How does water pressure affect a submarine?

When a submarine goes farther down in the water, the water pressure becomes greater. If the submarine goes to far, pipes can explode and let in water, or it can implode the submarine

How submarine caused to submerge without use propulsion propeller and fins?

A submarine can submerge by filling ballast and trimmer tanks with sea water. The additional weight will take the submarine down. To resurface, the submarine will blow the sea water out of the tanks using compressed air. The air in the tanks make the submarine buoyant, so it rises and floats on the surface. Though a stationary submarine can submerge in this way, it usually submerges going forward and using diving plane (fins) to steepen the dive, so getting under the surface faster.

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How did the Romans blow up half a mountain with water?

The Romans dug a right angle in the mountain then they dumped a whole bunch of water in and the pressure of the water hitting the angle made it blow up.

Can water exert pressure on a submarine?

Yes, water exerts pressure on the hull of the submarine.

Does potassium blow up in water?

Yes. Pure potassium will blow up in water. In old school houses, teachers experimented with kids. They used pure potassium cubes.

How does water enter the submarine?

Water enters the submarine by letting water out not into its ballast tanks it enters from the flagura to the magura.

A sentence with submarine in it?

A submarine is only used under water.

How does water enter a submarine?

Water enters the submarine by entering through the butthole and leaving from the propellers