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Q: Can a submarine float in fresh water?
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Why does a submarine can sink and float in water?

because the submarine has the water tank.when the tank is filled then submarine sink in the water.and when the tank is empty then submarine float in water.

If you float in salt water what will you do in fresh water?

If you just barely float in salt water, you will sink in fresh water.

How do submarines float and sink in water?

a submarine has a water tank. when the tank is filled then submarine sink in the water. and when the tank is empty then submarine float in water. use the formula density= mass / volume as mass increases(when the tank is full of water), the density of the submarine increases and it submerge into the water and vice versa.

Is it eaiser to float in salt water than fresh water?

It is easier to float in salt water than in fresh water.

What can float in salt water but sink in fresh water?

i think it is ppeople because they float in salt water and sink in fresh water.

How do objects float differently in salt water than in fresh water?

the salt makes the water denser then the fresh water so it is easyer to float in.

Will ships float or sink in fresh water?

Ships float in fresh water too. Only a little deeper, since fresh water is less dense than salt water.

Does objects that float in water float in salt water?

Yes. Salt water has a slightly higher density then fresh water which means its a little easier for things to float in salt water. So if it floats in fresh water it will certainly float in salt water.

Does salt water float over fresh water?

no< fresh water will become mixed with the salt water

Will an egg float in salt water or tap water?

Eggs float in salt water but not in tap water, which is a fresh water. This is because salt water is more dense than fresh water.

How do you make a plastic bottle submarine float then sink and float?

put water in to let it sink... then put air into it to let it float...

Is it easier to float in salt water or fresh water?

It is definitely easier yo float in salt water.