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It is called Fatal Familial Insomnia, not "familiar" Insomnia. IT is an EXTREMELY RARE GENETIC disorder, meaning it does run in families who have the gene for it. This terrible disease appears to be present in less than 30 families worldwide. Additional studies may uncover more families that are predisposed to it, but it is genetic, and manifests itself between 30 and 60 years of age. It is extremely unlikely, practically impossible to get this awful disease without the gene. You could get tested for the gene to see if you have a chance of getting it. It is highly doubtful. Even if you have the gene it does not mean you would definitely get it, it would just mean that you are predisposed to it; or it is a possibility. But, remember there are a million sleep problems out there that are not as rare as this that you could have. I suggest an appointment with a sleep doctor, and get a sleep study done.

If you are having any sleep issues, you should always get it taken care of before it turns into a bigger problem.

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