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Genital herpes infection in an infant can be fatal.

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Q: Can a toddler die from herpes?
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Can an immunocompromised person die from herpes?

It is not likely you will die from a herpes infection.

Can you kill a toddler in sims 3?

If you let the hunger bar fall all the way to dark red, the toddler will die.

What happens when on Sims 3 the parents die and have a toddler?

The toddler will be taken away by the Social worker and you will have to start another game

What did Billy Sunday die from?

I believe it was Herpes

How old does your sims have to be to die?

it can die if you trapp it in a room with nothing and no doors. i think a toddler. . .

Is a tiger lily safe for a toddler to eat?

no. its not safe they can choke on it and die.

What disease did woolly mammoths die from?

aids, herpes and oter STDS :)

Can toddler in sims 3 for iPhone die?

its possible, yes. But only if you ill-treat it.

How many people have died from impetigo?

Although there is no cure, No one has ever died from herpes. Herpes isn't like aids, you can't die from it.As far as I know of there are no reported deaths related to herpes. The common types of herpes are not life threatening to adults. But it can have cause some complications to babies if they contract it at birth but herpes is rarely passed at birth.

Why do you need a toddler car seat?

A toddler car seat is needed if someone has a toddler and needs to have them inside the car. The toddler car seat is specially made to protect the toddler in case of an accident.

Are Hot tubs bad for toddlers?

Yes, the toddler can drown. Hot tubs are also infected with germs and viruses which your toddler can die from with his/her low immune system. And getting a little concern her /his they can also die from the high temperatures since young children's bodies do not adjust well. If the water is too hot they can get scalded.If any of these things happen and your toddler is hopefully alive, the state can take your child away from you.

What is another name for toddler?

what is another name for a toddler