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Luckily, it can. When it repairs it can get even stronger. This is the concept of working out, tearing muscle, and building it back up to make it even stronger.

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Q: Can a torn muscle never heal?
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Can a cut tendon heal?

No. Just like a torn muscle, it has to be surgically reconnected. _____________________ This is tricky, if it was only cut or torn a minute amount then it can rebuild itself just like a muscle. If it was severed then it needs to be operated on.

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How long does it take to heal a torn oblique muscle?

..I remember when I tore my thigh muscle from stretching.. I stopped stretching for at least a week, just to be on the safe side not to damage it again.

Which heals faster smooth muscle or skeletal muscle?

Well... since that skeletal muscle is a permant cell which means it will never heal i am guessing smooth muscle

What benefit is there to muscle recovery?

When one works out they are stretching and, in a sense, tearing their muscles. Muscle recovery is when the torn muscles then heal and become stronger and more defined. Without muscle recovery, one is not giving their body time to regenerate and become stronger.

What is the best treatment for muscle spasms?

Muscle spasms occur when a muscle is torn or overstretched. It starts with a muscle strain, known as a pulled muscle. The strains usually heal with time but if the pain is unbearable, patients may need to take pain medication along with applying ice or heat to relieve the pain.

When you squat you felt like there is a golf ball sized lump in your hamstring that is painful What is up?

If this lump showed up all of a sudden during vigorous activities like sports, you have likely strained a muscle. A strained muscle by definition is microscopic tears in the muscle tissue. These are graded I, II, III, or IV. Grade I is minor and with a little rest will heal on its own in a week or two. Grade II is a little more torn tissue, with more pain, requiring at least two weeks of resting, icing, and gentle stretching to heal. A lump in the muscle can appear as a secondary muscle spasm. Grade III is a large amount of the muscle torn. It is very painful even, at rest, and usually develops a lump or dent in the muscle body from the torn tissue. Grade IV is a complete muscle tear which oddly, after it tears usually is not painful. There is always a definite lump of muscle near its attachment because it is no longer held at both ends of the muscle. Depending on which muscle is torn, it is often aided to heal but not surgically repaired. I almost forgot..... If the lump came about over a longer period of time, like weeks or months, have it checked by a doctor.

What is a protrusion of a muscle called?

A hernia or a torn muscle.

Can you walk with a torn muscle?


Why does muscle mass increase?

When you do excessive work, your muscles can become strained beyond their limits. This causes very tiny tears in the muscle tissues. (This is why you feel sore after a workout.) When your body is given time to heal, the torn tissue is mended with more muscle tissue. This is what causes an increase in muscle mass.

Can a torn tendon heal without surgery?

yes. it depends on where the meniscus is torn and how old the patient is.

Can a Partially torn Shoulder blade tendon heal itself?

A partially torn shoulder blade tendon cannot heal itself. This is similar to frayed rope and would need special care so that it can heal.