

Can a tornado produce into another tornado?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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Yes. In some cases a large, strong tornado will produce what is called a satellite tornado, which circles the main one.

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Q: Can a tornado produce into another tornado?
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What does spawn a tornado mean?

When a storm spawns a tornado it produce a tornado.

Why do some thunderstorms produce voilent tornadoes while most do not?

First, it takes a specific kind of thunderstorm called a supercell to produce a violent tornado and it usually takes a very strong supercell. Beyond that scientists do not know why one supercell will produce a tornado when another won't

Can tornadoes have a tornado after that storm just finished?

If you mean to ask if one tornado can form after another has dissipated, yes. Supercells, the storms most likely to produce tornadoes, often go through cycles. They can spawn can spawn multiple tornadoes one after another in what is called a tornado family.

What don't scientists know about tornadoes?

Scientists are still not sure how exactly a thunderstorm produces a tornado or why one storm will produce a tornado while another won't. They are still not sure what determines how strong or how large a tornado will be or how long it will last.

What does a tornado produce?

A tornado produces very powerful rotating winds.

What does a thunder storm do after it creates a tornado?

It varies. Sometimes it will intensify again and produce another tornado. Sometimes it will dissipate. Sometimes it will continue for a while as an ordinary storm for a while before dissipating.

Can there be a tornado that ends but then have another tornado at the same time?

If you mean to ask if one tornado can form after another has dissipated, yes. Supercells, the storms most likely to produce tornadoes, often go through cycles. They can spawn can spawn multiple tornadoes one after another in what is called a tornado family. Sometimes the next tornado in the family will form before the current one has dissipated, resulting in there being two tornadoes at the same time.

Can you stop a tornado with another tornado?

No, you cannot stop a tornado with another tornado. The two tornadoes would simply merge and form a larger tornado.

What would happen if an atomic bomb exploded in a tornado?

The explosion would probably disrupt the tornado. However, the effects of the blast and fallout would likely be worse than anything the tornado could do. Even then, the parent thunderstorm may still go on to produce another tornado.

Another name for tornado?

Another name for a tornado is a twister.

What percent of thunderstorms can produce a tornado?

About 1% of thunderstorms produce tornadoes.

If a severe thunderstorm does not produce hail will it produce a tornado?

It can but probably won't