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i am pretty sure go and ask one.

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Q: Can a veterinarian remove a dogs voice box?
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Where is the voice box located in the rooster and how can you remove it?

The tracheobronchial and stapedius muscles located at the base of the trachea are where this happens and only a Veterinarian can do this without a 100% chance of killing the bird.

Why do deaf dogs bark?

Deaf dogs, just like deaf humans, still have the use of their voice box and therefore will use it. When we speak, or when dogs bark, we 'hear' it internally (a bit like when you are thinking, you 'hear' your own voice in your head).

How did Alexander Graham Bell teach his dog to talk?

By pressing on the dogs voice box and moving the lips, he noticed he could create words from the dogs noises.

Do animals have a sound box?

Many animals have voice boxes. This including cats, dogs, mice, most rodents, etc.

How much money does it take to take out a roosters voice box?

It's unlikely any veterinarian would perform a non-necessary procedure like that on a bird. Call your local vets.

How to talk?

Use your voice box I mean Use my voice box

What does larynx (voice box) do?

Your Larynx is a voice box, this lets you talk

What is the other name for the human voice box?

The voice box is called a larynx.

Is the voice box on the left side of the throat?

The voice box is medial in the throat,

Is there a man in side your voice box?

NO! It is the vocal chords inside your larynx, or voice box.

Why do our voices change when we wake up?

Your voice changes when you wake up, because when you are sleeping, your body stops the production of the enzyme phyteria. Phyteria helps your voice box remove waste, thus allowing your voice to function without interference.

What is found in the voicebox?

The voice box is an electronic guitar that has an attachment with a tube that goes into the player's mouth to modulate the sound. There is nothing found in the voice box, the voice box is solid.