

Can a virus independently reproduce

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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not that i know of.

but im only a physics student :)

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Q: Can a virus independently reproduce
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a virus has no metabolism.a virus cannot reproduce independently, it must infect a cell.a virus is much smaller than a cell.

What process do viruses reproduce?

A virus cannot reinvent itself without the help of a 'hosts' living cell. Once the virus invades the living cell it takes over the mechanism of reproduction using the cells enzymes and other chemical to reproduce. Therefore a virus cannot reproduce independently. Once the host cell is compromised the virus is free to infect other cells in the living organism.

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the virus needs the host to reproduce!! : )

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There is no other living thing that requires a virus in order to reproduce.

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A plasmid.

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they reproduce independently. (asexual)

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Schizophrenia is not caused by a virus or bacteria--it does not and cannot "reproduce". Because it is not caused by a virus or bacteria, it is also not "contagious".

Is bactera a type of virus?

No, a bacterium is a complete, albeit single-celled organism; as such it can locomote, reproduce, and perform the other functions common to independently living things. A virus, OTOH, is a strand of DNA incapable of reproducing on its own (to do that, it's got to invade/infect a host cell).

What can a virus can only reproduce in?

a Cell

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What makes organisms susceptible to a virus?

If there are cells for that virus to reproduce in and no anitbodies to fight the virus off.