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No.. a better environment for sperm is well lubricated vagina and full length penetration and ejaculation. Sperm's can easily travel in lubricated path not in dry.

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Q: Can a woman get pregnant after touching your pre-ejaculate on your penis then wiping it off her fingers with her shirt and touched her vagina?
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You really can't get pregnant from pre-ejaculation, there is like a 1 to 100 ratio of it happening. I guess the only way you could get pregnant from that was if he had already finished outside of you and had gotten semen on his fingers and then fingered you. Even then, there's a very small chance you could get pregnant.

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Not very likely at all, but if you are worried have her take a pregnancy test

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Technically, if you are touching someone they are touching you

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Well, if you get touched by it, its just like touching your face. Not much happens.

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'm having PCOS.My boyfriend n i were foolin around when he touched my vagina he was ejaculatin n der r chances tat he mite ve got a lil of tat on his fingers could i b pregnant?

It is possible that you could be pregnant.

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Yes , It also depends on how , and where you touched them.

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depends whether you want to be touched by men or women

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Yes, considering limes dont usually burn fingers

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Could your girlfriend be pregnant if her period is one week late but you didn't put your penis inside her but you touched her with your penis for one minute only outside?

no, She will not be pregnant but never actually have sex doing nothing but touching with a penis a lady feels more special if you put your dick inside her