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Q: Can a woman get pregnant one day before coming on her cycle?
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Can a woman get pregnant on a 23 day cycle?

Woman can always get pregnant unless if she or her partner is sterile. It's during the beginning of the cycle and end of the cycle that the chances of becoming pregnant skyrocket.

Could you get pregnant after periods?

YES, a woman can get pregnant during ANY DAY of the full cycle. even during your period. before during and after.

Is fertility occurs before menstru al period?

Fertility is the ability to become pregnant. A woman is fertile when she is ovulating and for a few days before ovulation. Ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. For example, if woman has a 28 day menstrual cycle ovulation occurs at the 14th day of the cycle.

Can a woman get pregnant during menstruation cycle?

a woman can get pregnant at ANY time. yes she can during her menstrual cycle. it is less likely - but does happen! wrap up and protect!

Can you get pregnant from intercourse three days before your period?

You can get pregnant from sexual intercourse anywhere in your menstrual cycle, although the probability would be higher if a woman were on her 14th day, where she ovulates.

If you got pregnant on the 15th day after period that would be eight days before menstal cycle would you get period?

it isnot uncommon for a woman to have her period for up to 3 months after being pregnant.

If a woman on her period can pre-ejaculation fluid get her pregnant?

Pre-ejaculate does contain sperm, and a woman can become pregnant at any time during her menstrual cycle.

Can you be pregnant and still have a piered?

A Period is a cycle for woman to reproduce a brand new egg for fertilization of sperm. The Answer is No, that is a main sign that a woman can be pregnant is if she misses a period.

Can a 21 man get 45 woman pegnant?

if the woman has not yet stopped her period cycle. Than man can get her pregnant.

What days can you get pregnant out of one month?

For every woman it is different. If you have a 28 day cycle then typically you ovulate (release an egg) 14 days after the first day of your cycle. Then, we assume that four days before to four days after THAT day are fertile days. That is when a woman can conceive.

How does a woman know she is pregnant?

A pregnant woman will experience changes in her breast size and sensitivity. There may be other symptoms like morning sickness, back aches and fatigue. Normally the menstrual cycle will stop, but some women continue to have a menstrual cycle even though they are pregnant.

If a woman is pregnant and has sex what will the sperm do to her if the sperm is released inside of her?

Nothing, you do not ovulate when you're pregnant because you don't have a cycle.