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As long as the woman desires it, it is not possible to have too much sex.

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Q: Can a woman have too much sex?
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Can you have too much sex?

== == No, but you can DEMAND too much sex, and you can certainly place too much importance on it. == ==

How often is too much for sex per week?

You cant have too much sex!

Does having too much sex affect?

Too much sex is too much good. Too much sex happens around the time of marriage, when partners meet after some separation for some time. Too much sex happens in extramarital affairs. Other times most people do not have too much sex because there is no too much excitement after novelty wears off. (Sexual addiction is rare and controversial.)

What is the probability of the couple not getting children?

There is no simple answer for this. There are many reasons why a couple may not have children: - too old, - same gender, - the woman is infertile, - the man is infertile, - not enough sex - too much sex - low sperm count Narrow down the scope and you have a much better chance of estimating. If a man and woman are fertile, their chance is extremely high.

Is it a sin too have too much sex?

Not if it's with someone you love! Edit:No there is no such thing as too much sex. And its not a sin too have sex no matter what. And the peron who said not if its someone you love is full of crap go have sex with whoever you want. You dont have to love someone to have sex with them

Can you get chlamydia by having too much sex?

You can't get chlamydia from being too clean. You get chlamydia from sexual contact with someone who has it. It's spread by oral, anal, and vaginal sex; genital-genital contact; sharing sex toys; and birth to an infected woman.

Is 4 times a day too much sex?

Too much sex? No. A lot of sex, yes! 4 times a day is above the average, however at the start of a new relationship is not at all unusual. As long as you are both enjoying it, then there is no such thing as too much sex.

How much sex are safe for pregnant woman?

You can have pretty much as much sex as you want to have so long as it is not rough sex or hurting you in anyway. Sometimes when you are pregnant though you may need to play around with positions as your body can't do what it usually can. Try having sex sitting on his lap or doggie style so long as he doesn't go too deep or too hard. If you feel uncomfortable then stop, and of course if you experience any spotting of blood stop too and call a doctor.

Is is possible for a man to be attracted to a woman enough for sex but not really be that physically attracted to her?

Yes men can have sex with a woman without fancying here that much

There can be problems in an experiment if there are too many?

Too much teacher sex...

Who is the woman that likes sex?

If you are talking about women who are addicted to sex or who have an extremely intense sex drive, it is a nymphomaniac. If the person you were talking about were a male it would be satyriasist. Those terms aren't used too much anymore. Instead medical professionals prefer to use hypersexual.

Is too much sex not good?

If it is becoming painful, it's too much.well its not something u can really answer.i guess its 2 much when u feel like stopping but i think 2 much sex is about 1 hour & 30 minutes and any longer than that your vagina/penis is sore or you probably feel soreness.