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Q: Can a woman lactate after ovaries removed?
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What are the main reasons a woman must have her ovaries removed?

A woman would have to have her ovaries removed if there was an infection in her ovaries. An infection in a woman's ovaries can be serious and life threatening. it would be safer to just remove the ovaries.

What happens in a bilateral oophorectomy?

If both ovaries are removed, menstruation stops and a woman loses the ability to have children

How do you get estrogen if you had uterus and ovaries removed?

Usually women who have had their ovaries removed have to go through hormone replacement therapy or take a hormone pill.

Why do women still get their perirds after they have their tubes removed?

A woman still gets a period after having her tubes removed or tied because she still has her ovaries which is what cause her to have a menstrual cycle. She still has her womb as well, and that is where the blood builds up, waiting for the body to signal that a pregnancy has not occured. If the womb has been removed and the ovaries left in place, the woman will not bleed but will still feel normal cyclical monthly changes.

Can you turn ovaries off?

No but you can get them removed.

What is the primary female reproductive organs?

Ovaries are the primary reproductive organs in a woman (or female).

Can a female get her ovaries removed on her request?


Can your eggs be removed after a partial hysterectomy?

After a partial hysterectomy the eggs released from the ovaries are absorbed into the blood stream.

Where are egg cells found on a women?

A woman's ovaries release the egg,

Does having her ovaries out cause a woman to be more emotional and cry easier?

If you aren't given hormone replacement, then yes, it can. Usually when a woman has her ovaries removed she is given a prescription for HRT (hormone replacement therapy), especially if she hasn't gone through menopause yet. The ovaries are what actually produce the hormones, so if the hormones aren't replaced, she will go through instant, medically induced menopause.

Where is the egg in a woman's body?

In the ovaries

How do you make your breasts lactate?

Breasts begin preparing to lactate while the woman is pregnant.