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The answer to this question is yes, it may be possible.

The real question is whether a woman with lupus should become pregnant.

This needs to be decided between a woman and her physician. Some women suffer severe flares during pregnancy, while others may become better during pregnancy. Additionally, maternal antibodies can cause problems with the fetus including:

  • neonatal lupus
  • heart block
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Q: Can a woman who had has systemic lupus get pregnant but still takes medication since 3 years as she is well now?
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How is systemic lupus erythematosus treated in alternative medicine?

The treatments goals in lupus are two fold: provide relief from the symptoms and pevent permanent damage. Depending on the severity of lupus and what body parts are affected, different medications and strategies are used. Since lupus is an inflammatory disease, both non-steroidal anti-iflammatory medications and steroids are often used. Since lupus is an auto-immune disease, various immunosuppressive drugs are also used. Some of these are hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil), steroids (both antin-inflammatory and immunsuppressive), mycophenoloate mofetil (Cellcept), methotrexate, azathioprine (Imuran), cyclophosphamide (Cytoxan). If the lupus patient has any of the lupus clotting factors, blood thinners like coumadin are added to the treatment regimen. Recent research shows that lupus patients are twice as likely as the general population to experience cardiovascular events so some doctors are also prescribing statins. Attention to a healthy diet, an exercise program, stress management and avoiding UVA and UVB light are useful tools in managing lupus.

What are the medications for systemic lupus erythematous?

Medications vary widely based on what organs are affected by the autoimmune activity. Antimalarials, prednisone and NSAIDS are used most commonly. Chemotherapies like methotrexate and cytoxan are sometimes used. Cellcept (mycophenolate mofetil) which is used to prevent organ transplant rejection is now being used for many lupus patients. New biologics are being developed which interrupt the autoimmune activity at the level of B cells. Benlysta is on its way to FDA approval and will be the first new medication developed and approved specifically for lupus since November 20, 1958.

What is the current and future outlook for a person with LUPUS?

The majority of lupus cases are mild to moderate, although the disease can be life threatening. Lupus is controlled with immunosuppressive medication. Lifestyle changes can also be helpful. If a patient sees the rheumatologist as recommended and follws the treatment plan, most lupus patients can expect to live a relatively normal lifespan. There have been no new medications approved by the FDA specifically for the treatment of lupus since Nov. 20, 1958. A new medication, Benlysta, is likely to be approved on Dec. 9, 2010. However, this drug will not be appropriate for all lupus patients. It is also very expensive and must be given by intravenous infusion.

Can pregnant women take cyclopam?

Cyclopam is in a drug category called anti spasmodic. This medication is not recommended for use in pregnant women since it can harm the developing fetus.

Can you use Andrews liver salts when on medication?

Ask your doctor if you need it since they recommend caution to pregnant or breastfeeding women.

What can help you get pregnant with lupus?

Lupus patients have the same fertility rates as the general population. The problem is staying pregnant when you have lupus. Many patients with lupus have the antiphospholipid antibody which can cause miscarriages. If you are pregnant and have lupus it is considered a high risk pregnancy and you should be closely monitored.

Can lupus be dedtect pre-natally?

There is no definitive laboratory test for lupus. A diagnosis of lupus is based on: 1. Medical history 2. Symptoms 3. A variety of tests 4. Process of elimination Since these things cannot be done on a fetus, the answer is no, lupus cannot be detected prenatally.

When did lupus start?

Lupus was first recorded in the 13th century. Chances are, though, it was seen before that. However, since the symptoms of lupus are rather non-specific, it would have been easy to misdiagnose back in those less-medically-advanced times.

How many people in the UK have lupus?

Since lupus is not an infectious disease there is no agency to which a diagnosis is reported. The Lupus Foundation of America estimates that 16,000 patients are diagnosed in America each year.

What does lupus do to the skin?

# # # # # Lupus produces widely varying symptoms, although joint pain is reported by most patients and skin lesions are common. Lupus can cause short periods of symptoms alternating with healthy periods, or can progress into a life-threatening disorder affecting the heart, kidneys, and other organs. Why the disease is termed lupus is unknown, but it has been known as a distinct disorder and called lupus by European physicians since at least the tenth century A.D. The term erythematosus was first attached to the disease in the 1850s, and it refers to the patchy congestion of skin capillaries with blood (erythema) that often accompanies the disease.

Does kidney transplanted patient can get pregnant?

Yes, kidney transplant patients can get pregnant. However it is advisable not to do so without first consulting with your transplant doctor, as some of the post-transplant medication you may be on could be unsuitable for use during pregnancy. Don't stop taking any prescribed medication without first consulting your doctor.

What is the incidence of lupus in children worldwide?

Lupus statistics for the number of children worldwide with lupus are not available. Since lupus is not a contagious disease, there are no reporting requirements to any agencies that gather this data. In developing countries, many people do not have access to doctors who can properly diagnose the disease, so many cases go undiagnosed. Some lupus statistics are drawn from hospital discharge statements, however, the discharge statement might not reflect the diagnosis. Doctors have no agency to which to report cases of lupus. Some data, like that of the Lupus Foundation of America, is based on telephone surveys and extrapolated to the general population. There really is no answer to your question.