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Q: Can a xbox 360 slim play arcade games without a DVD drive?
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Can the xbox360 arcade play xbox games?

If you have a hard drive, Yes. Otherwise you cannot play original Xbox games. without a hard drive.

Is the Xbox 360 pro better than the Xbox 360 arcade?

if you play games alot you get a nice hard drive with it. arcade does not get a hard drive

How do you play Xbox360 games on Xbox360 that were already installed without disk?

You don't need live to save games to the hard drive the game will simply ask you to create a new games save and off you go. If you have a memory card too the game will give you a choice of which device to save your game on.

Can you play Halo 2 on the x-box 360 arcade without the hard drive?

As far as I know, you can't play Halo 2 on a Xbox 360 Arcade. The Xbox 360 Arcade can NOT play regular Xbox games. To play Halo 2 on your 360, you'll either need to: A): Get a Xbox 360 Pro or Elite Hard Drive somehow, or B): Buy a new Xbox 360 Pro or Xbox 360 Elite

If you change the hard drive of a Xbox arcade to a 20gig can you play normal Xbox games?

It works for me:D

Where can you play arcade games online?

There are many places online where one can play arcade games. Some websites include Free Arcade, Triples and Us, Games 2 Win, The Truth, and Classic Games Arcade.

Can you play regular Xbox 360 games on an Xbox 360 arcade?

Yes, you can play regular xbox 360 games on an arcade unit. The difference in between the arcade unit and the pro system is the pro system comes with a hard drive to save game data/videos/etc.

Can a Xbox arcade play normal Xbox games?

Yeah, but you need to buy the Xbox Hard Drive that is sold separately.

What games can you play with your xbox360 arcade?

The Arcade console supports all xbox 360 games.

Can Xbox arcade play normal Xbox games?

the xbox 360 arcade can play the same games as the normal xbox 360

Can a XBOX 360 arcade play games without a DVD Drive?

Yes and No. You would not be able to play games from a disk but you should be able to play games installed to your hard-drive, these hard-drive games would be limited to arcade and demo downloads ONLY. Any games you have installed from your disks (assuming you are connected to XBL and have the new update) would not be playable as the console needs the disk inserted to boot the game up. This is assuming the drive has broken and not actually been completely removed, In either case using your 360 is a bad idea and can only cause more damage, possible fire and electrecution risks would probably also be an issue.

Can you play live with your friends if they have an xbox360 and you have an elite?

yes you can, the type of xbox360 it is (elite, pro, arcade.) does not affect who you can play xbox live w/. the main difference is memory in hard drive, and the elite is black. The arcade can't play old xbox games