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Acid reflux can cause cancer of the throat if it is severe and left untreated for a long period of time. The disease itself will not kill you in your sleep.

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Q: Can acid reflux kill you in your sleep?
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Is acid reflux a bad thing?

Well, acid reflux is definitely not a good thing. It can kill you by acid rising to your esophagus and burning it.

Can you drink coke with acid reflux?

Coke contains things that aggravate acid reflux: carbonic acid (the fizz) and caffeine. You can drink it (it won't kill you) but maybe you shouldn't.

What causes acid reflux?

What Causes Acid Reflux (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease or GERD) Acid reflux occurs when the lower esophageal sphincter (muscular valve) doesn't properly close allowing acid from the stomach to reflux back up the esophagus which can cause burning of the esophageal lining. FOR MORE INFORMATION AND VIDEO GO TO:

Can lack of sleep lead to acid reflux the next day?

Personally, I think so. I have GERD (acid reflux disease) and if I don't get enough sleep, it will be much worse the next morning. I have discussed this with a GI dr and they say that many people with GERD do have worse symptoms if they do lack sleep.

How do you say acid reflux in french?

"acid reflux" is "reflux gastrique" in French.

Can you have kids if you have acid reflux?

Does acid reflux contribute to sterility? No. But if you have kids, their behaviour can contribute to acid reflux.

Can acid reflex kill you?

Directly? No. Indirectly? Possibly. Chronic, untreated acid reflux can, in some cases, eventually lead to cancer of the esophagus - and that can kill you, yes.

Symptoms of Acid Reflux Are Surprisingly Varied?

People usually think of burning in the chest or throat as symptoms of acid reflux, but this doesn't always occur and as a result many people don't realize they're having reflux. Since untreated acid reflux can have serious health implications, it is important to recognize symptoms when they occur so treatment can begin. Below are some lesser-known symptoms of acid reflux to watch out for.Poor SleepAcid reflux occurs more easily when lying down, especially after eating a large meal as many do at the end of the day. Reflux that occurs when you are sleeping can awaken you repeatedly due to pain in the throat and chest, preventing you from getting enough sleep, or any deep sleep. Many never realize that reflux is what is waking them up. Therefore, unexplained daytime exhaustion could be the result of undiagnosed nighttime acid reflux. There is mounting evidence of a connection between reflux and sleep apnea, as well. Sleep apnea can occur when stomach acid and contents are breathed in, interrupting lung function temporarily and at least partially awakening the sufferer. Again, the patient may not even realize that reflux-induced apnea is ruining their sleep. Since sleep apnea increases heart attack risk significantly, this is potentially a very serious situation that should be treated as soon as possible.Other SymptomsSome acid reflux patients never get any burning in their chest or throat, instead experiencing symptoms such as itching or tickling in the throat or lungs. This indicates that acid is being ejected far up into the throat. If it is causing tickling in the lungs, this means that stomach acid or vapors from stomach acid are being aspirated, possibly causing sleep apnea at night. Aspiration of stomach acid also commonly causes feelings of shortness of breath during the daytime. Finally, acid may even reflux all the way up into the mouth, causing tooth decay and an unpleasant acidic taste in the mouth.

What is the medical abbreviation meaning acid reflux?

GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) is the abbreviation meaning acid reflux.

Can acid reflux disease be transmitted?

No. Acid reflux is not contagious nor is it hereditary.

Can white mint aggravate acid reflux?

Mint can aggravate acid reflux, yes.

Can the duodenum be repaired and is it the cause of acid reflux?

Yes, it can be repaired and no it is not the cause of acid reflux.