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Q: Can alkaline water help dengue fever patient?
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How does dengue fever spread?

I just recovered from a serious case of Dengue Fever. From what I know Dengue Fever does not spread like the other fevers. If a mosquito bites a Dengue Infected person and then bites you, the Dengue Fever is spread to you.

What is a nursing diagnosis for fever?

Nursing diagnosis for dengue patient. 1. The main target in treating a dengue patient is to reduce the fever. This can be done by tepid sponging,giving acetaminophen and encouraging patient to drink alot of water the platlet level is monitors continuously with blood test and blood transfusion is done to prevent great loss of platelet. 3.An IV transfusion of normal saline is done to hydrate patient to help them urinate and to remove the virus via urine.

Steps taken to minimise dengue fever by the government?

Control of dengue fever currently relies on control of the mosquito vectors through mosquito nets, parasiticide sprays and removal of standing water from areas around human settlements. There are many researchers around the world working on treatments and vaccines for dengue fever, although nothing has yet been found effective enough to be implemented on a large scale.

How is dengue fever caused by littering?

Unless, littering makes pools of water that mosquitoes grow and reproduce in, there is no cause and effect.

Dengue fever results in dip in the?

The number of platelets and amount of water. Losing the platelets will prevent normal clotting of the blood.

What is nursing intervention for dengue?

Dengue Nursing Interventions rely on following doctor's advise of increase in fluid intake for hydration (water specifically and avoiding coloured fluids that may mask bleeding), encouraging the patient to rest more so the body recovers form the pains and aches. Patient even after discharge from the hospital must still be under bleeding precautions. Use soft bristled toothbrush (or cotton instead) when doing oral care, not eating coloured food and fluids that may mask bleeding, monitoring s/s of bleeding as epistaxis (nosebleeding) , black stools or hematochezia (GIT bleeding),hematuria (blood in the urine), bruising and petechia. Avoid from instances where patinet will develop bruises like rouggh play and jarring of body parts against objects. Body needs 3-3.5 ml of water daily( 3,000-3,500 ml of water) as the body has sensible and insensible water losses. More water intake though for patients who are sick like dengue cases. It surely aids in the speedy recovery of the patient. Dengue Nursing Interventions rely on following doctor's advise of increase in fluid intake for hydration (water specifically and avoiding coloured fluids that may mask bleeding), encouraging the patient to rest more so the body recovers form the pains and aches. Patient even after discharge from the hospital must still be under bleeding precautions. Use soft bristled toothbrush (or cotton instead) when doing oral care, not eating coloured food and fluids that may mask bleeding, monitoring s/s of bleeding as epistaxis (nosebleeding) , black stools or hematochezia (GIT bleeding),hematuria (blood in the urine), bruising and petechia. Avoid from instances where patient will develop bruises like rough play and jarring of body parts against objects. Body needs 3-3.5 ml of water daily( 3,000-3,500 ml of water) as the body has sensible and insensible water losses. More water intake though for patients who are sick like dengue cases. It surely aids in the speedy recovery of the patient. If a patient is still under Dengue fever Grade 1 diagnosis, it is of dire importance that the patient do not progress to Dengue Hemmorhagic Fever as this is a deadly state wherein patient may really undergo blood transfusion. That is why in all cases of dengue (whatever grade it is in already, signs and symptoms of bleeding must be monitored). There will always be a 24 hour(sometimes a 12 hour) CBC check until parameters are within normal or at least until WBC is already in the fighting stage(In dengue fever cases, WBC goes down as this is a viral disease).Monitor platelet and WBC count. - Jazzy JeanRey -

What is the name of the dengue carrier mosquito?

Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes are the only ones that have the ability to transmit dengue virus to humans. In both species the cause of bite are the females need blood to produce eggs.

Will urination be affected by dengue fever?

No, not usually. The cardiovascular system is affected. However, it does cause dehydration and you may not produce much urine. Your body is trying to conserve water.

What patient preparations are associated with alkaline phosphatase testing?

.A person being tested for alkaline phosphatase should not have anything to eat or drink, except water, for eight to ten hours before the test.

Is water an acidic or alkaline?

Soapy water is alkaline

How do you reduce alkaline in water?

reduce alkaline in water

How does a sponge bath help a patient suffering from high fever?

As when we have fever our body temperature is high, a sponge bath with cold water helps bring the temperature down.