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My answer is based on actual experience: I put a (female)roselia and (male)shroomish in the daycare on ruby, and they had an egg (it hatched as a roselia). However, I put a (female)pikachu and (male)minun in the daycare on emerald, and they didn't have an egg. Hope this helps a little. Sorry for not having a direct answer ;)

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Q: Can all Pokemon breed as long as they are in the same egg group?
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Does nature affect whether Pokemon will breed?

No, it doesnt. Pokemon are put in "breeding groups" and only Pokemon in the same group can breed.Such as if Jynx and Sneasel are in the same group, they can breed, just as long as they arent the same gender :P and they have to have genders, Pokemon such as claydol with no nature cant breed.

Can you breed different Pokemon?

Yes, as long as they are in the same egg group. It is even possible to breed Wailord and Skitty.

Pokemon that can breed with gardevoir?

Pokemon in the same egg-group as gardevoir

Pokemon you can breed?

Male and female pokemon in the same egg group can make eggs. Also, any pokemon that can breed can breed with a ditto.

What does it mean the same egg group in Pokemon?

Egg groups indicate which Pokemon can breed with which. One Pokemon can be in several different egg groups, and some are in no egg groups at all because they cannot breed (legendary Pokemon, for example). If you want to breed your Pokemon, first look up what egg group(s) it is in, and then what other Pokemon are in the same group(s).

What can Clefairy breed with in pokemon pearl?

Clefairy's Egg Group is Fairy, so any Pokemon with the same Egg Group can breed with Clefairy, including Ditto, which has its own Egg Group.

Can you breed audino and lillupup in Pokemon white?

No, they are not in the same egg group.

How can you breed Pokemon on Pokemon LeafGreen?

On Island four there is a daycare and you have to put ina male and female Pokemon of the same egg group, or breed any Pokemon with ditto

Where can you get another piplup on Pokemon Diamond?

Breed your piplup with a ditto. Or breed a femle piplup with another Pokemon from the same egg group as piplup.

Do you have to have a Ditto to breed Pokemon?

No, you do not. You need a male and a female pokemon within the same egg group, or ditto and a pokemon or two dittos

Can fire type Pokemon breed with other fire types?

Most of the time, yes. Breeding compatibility is controlled by egg groups. If two pokemon are in the same egg group, they are compatible to breed. Many fire type pokemon belong to the same egg group as other fire pokemon, but not all.

Do Pokemon need to be the same level to breed?

no as long they are the opposite gender or any gender can breed with with a ditto