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yes they can

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Q: Can all grapes pollinate itself or require the help of bees?
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Related questions

What is the physical characterstics of bees?

Most bees have wings and short plump bodies. Bees vary in color either brown, black or yellow. Bees tend to pollinate and possess stingers to protect itself.

How do you use the word pollinate in a sentence?

Bees pollinate flowers.

Why do flower need bees?

Bees pollinate the flowers.

Why do bees pollinate?

Because they can!

Do bees pollinate one flower and then return to previous flower to pollinate?

No. Bees go from flower to flower randomly.

Can honey bees pollinate plants other than flowers?

Yes, honey bees can pollinate plants other than flowers. For example, in California, honey bees are absolutely essential to pollinate the almond trees.

How do you bees pollinate?

bees have this special thing in them that helps them to pollinate them even though it just looks like their walking on the flower

Do bees pollinate orange trees?

Yes. Bees pollinate most flowers and trees. One of a bees favorite places is a orchard where fruit trees are everywhere.

What is the impact honey bees and humans have on each other?

Human can use bees to pollinate crops and there garden.

Do all bees pollinate flowers?

Bees of all varieties pollenate flowers, but not all bees do so. This may seem a contradiction, but only the worker bees pollinate, not the queens or drones.

What are the things that can pollinate?

bees, birds

Is it only bees that pollinate?

no, i think butterflys pollinate too i might be wrong