

Can all people receive all blood types?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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No, this is obvious that not because each human have a different blood group and if there will be a blood transfer, they will definitely need blood with the same group as they have!!

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Can ab blood type receive all blood types?

Yes, it can

What blood can type O safely receive?

Not taking Rh Factor into consideration, O is the universal donor. All blood types can receive type O. For information, AB is the universal recipient. They can take any blood type. Remember, this excludes the Rh Factor.

Can an individual with type AB blood receive blood from all other blood types and thus become the universal recipient?

Because it is a combination of all blood types. Therefore, you are able to receive all blood types. So, the answer to the question summary is yes. Just be careful when receiving blood transfusions.

I donated blood, what is a blood type?

Blood type during donations is asked because it is critical that blood types are matched. There are 4 human blood types: A, AB, B, and O. AB and B people can only accept their own blood type and O. A can receive all three other blood types. O can only receive it's own. If you get the wrong blood type you can die.

Can individuals with Type AB blood may receive transfusions from individuals with Type O- blood?

Yes- the AB blood group is known as the 'Universal Recipient', since they can receive blood from any group. Blood group O is known as the 'Universal Donor', since all other blood groups can receive this type, but people with group O can only receive from other group O types.

Did you know type O- is universal?

People with O- can donate blood to people with any other type. It is the universal blood type and compatible with all types. However, people that have O- blood can only receive O- blood. Therefore it's the best blood for giving, but not receiving.

What bood type is the universal recipient?

blood type AB is universal recipient because AB doesnt have antibodies against a or b

What factors determine the compatibility of blood types for transfusion?

Blood type is determined by the type of antigen

What does it mean to have blood type O positive?

Blood type O positive is considered the "universal donor" because they can safely give blood to all other blood types without harm however the donor can only receive blood from other type O donors. Positive means that they can receive both positive and negative blood type O.

Blood 0 plus can receive what type?

O blood type can only receive blood type only from O, and blood type O can give blood to all other blood types, but obly receive blood from it self General Rule : O is general donnor but limited receiver.

What are some interesting facts about type o negative blood?

Blood type O- is one of the rarest blood types, and are known as universal donors because those with blood type O can donate to nearly all red blood cells. People with this type can only receive blood from other O-negative people.

Does a mosquito like o positive blood?

They like all blood.Answer:Though mosquitoes do like all types of blood, according to a Japanese study they will bite people with type O blood twice as often as people with other blood types.