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Q: Can amlodipine cause hyperkalemia
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How does hyperkalemia relate to the ECG?

Hyperkalemia cause tall t wave and wide qrs wave

Does anorexia cause hypokalemia or hyperkalemia?


Does Addison's disease cause Hyperkalemia?

Hyperkalemia can also be caused by a disease of the adrenal gland called Addison's disease.

What effect does hyperkalemia have on cardiac muscle?

it cause cardic arrest

Is mannitol recommended for pt with hyperkalemia?

no it can cause hyperkalemia par se by shifting intracellular k to outside because of osmotic drag effect

What is the effect on the heart function in the case of hypokalemia and hyperkalemia?

Hypokalemia and hyperkalmia both can have effects on the heart function. Hypokalemia and hyperkalemia can cause cardiac arriythmias.

Can amlodipine and olmesartan medoxomil cause a false positive for methamphetamines?


Hyperkalemia or hypokalemia which is more serious?

hyperkalemia as it may cause heart arrythmias and sudden death, where hypokalemia generally just causes malaise, muscle weakness and tetany. hyperkalemia as it may cause heart arrythmias and sudden death, where hypokalemia generally just causes malaise, muscle weakness and tetany.

Does hypercalcemia and hyperkalemia have anything to do with complete heart block?

hyperkalemia worsen hyperkalemia

Can amlodipine cause diabetes?

As per references when you are put on Amlodipine therapy for treatment of hypertension,you are 34% less likely to develop new onset of diabetes.

What are the most common symptoms of hyperkalemia?

Hyperkalemia is an unusually elevated level of potassium in the blood. Mild and moderate hyperkalemia can cause the electrical activity in the heart muscles, whilst the severe form can stop the heart beating. The most common symptoms of mild hyperkalemia are nausea, fatigue, muscle weakness, tingling sensations. More serious symptoms include slow heartbeat, weak pulse and cardiac stoppage.

What functional groups are present in Amlodipine?
