

Can an 11 year old get a 15 year old get a youtube?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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yes dumby

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Q: Can an 11 year old get a 15 year old get a youtube?
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15, with your 16th birthday in that year.

Can a 16 year old be in year 11?

Yeah, in Year 11 people are turning from 15 to 16 :)

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Ernie 15

Is it okay to fancy an 11 year old when your 15?

NoAn 11 year old is not even close enough in maturity to even think about or understand any sort of personal relationship with a 15 year old.

Can 11 year old kis a 15 year old?

Yes, but only if the 15 year old will allow it. You can't just go grabbing the 15 year old and laying your lips on him/her; that may be considered assault.

Why isn't it okay or what is wrong with an 11 year old and a 15 year old to date?

First of all, an 11 year old is too young to be dating according to most parents. The 15 year old could get in a lot of trouble if there is any sexual contact.

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Can a 11 year old date a15 year old?

Considering there are no dating laws - it's fine, but this depends upon the parents. It's not usual for a 11 year old and 15 year old to be dating.

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Can an 11 year old girl date 15 year old boy?

I think so.I mean,I have when I was that age

Is a 15 year old to old to be friends with a 11 year old?

That's not to old. Friendship is friendship. You shouldn't judge it off of age.