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The age of consent varies from place to place. In some places, it is legal for an 18-year-old and a 17-year-old to have consensual sexual relations. In other places, it is illegal.

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Q: Can an 18 year old have sexual contact with a 17 year old with his or her permission?
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Can a 17 year old live with a 37 year old if her parents give permission?

Yes. In most places it would even be legal for them to have sexual contact.

Can a 15 year old move in with her boyfriend and his parents?

Only if her parents have given permission. And if there is sexual contact, it could be illegal to do so.

Can a 15 year old move in with an 18 year old with parent consent in Wisconsin?

That will depend on the specific situation. The parents can give permission to live anywhere. However, if there is to sexual contact, they cannot give permission to break the law.

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The minors parents can give them permission to date. They cannot give them permission to have sexual contact (which is not limited merely to intercourse).

Is a 15 year old allowed to date a 18 year old wothout a parents permission?

There are no laws about dating. It may be illegal for them to have sexual contact, but that will be determined based on the laws of the jurisdiction in question. And doing so without parental permission can cause problems.

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There are no laws about dating, so date away. It may even be okay for them to have sexual contact depending on the laws in their state.

Is it okay if a thirteen year old girl has sexual contact with a ellven year old girl?

No, it is not okay. It is going to be illegal to have sexual contact with anyone under the age of 12.

Can a 15 year old boy from Ohio have sexual contact with a 13 year old girl in South Carolina?

Any sexual contact between them would be considered as an assault.

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There are no laws about dating. However, there are laws about sexual contact. It is most likely going to be a crime for there to be any sexual contact between the two.

Could a 15-year-old female go out with a 20-year-old male without him getting in trouble with the law?

They would be able to date, assuming her parents allow permission; but they cannot have any sort of sexual contact until she reaches the legal age of consent for sex. Sexual contact with a minor is a crime and can have serious criminal charges.

Can a 16-year-old girl move in with a 20-year-old girl if the 16-year-old has parental permission to live with that friend?

in a word, NO, regardless of what the parents say, a 16 year old is a minor and the resposibility of the parents, any sexual contact, whether condoned by the parents and consented by the 16 year old still constitutes statutory rape, statutory rape is when a minor and a non minor have sexual contact, being the minor is not the age of consent, it is considered rape, but to a lessor degree

if there is NO sexual contact can a 14 year old and a 17 almost 18 year old date?

how is it possible