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Q: Can an 18 year old in California with a permit drive with an 18 year old with their license?
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I have international driving permit and Texas Instruction permit can I drive in Texas with out a license?

yes but for a only a year after you have entered US. After a year you cant drive , you need to get a Texas driving license.

Can you get your drivers license without a permit at 17 and a half in California?

no you need to have a permit for a year and a day if you are 17, but if you are eighteen then you can get a license without it

Can you drive in Georgia with a Florida's learner permit with a 21 year old valid Florida drivers license?

Can you drive in Georgia with a Florida's learner permit with a 21 year old valid florida drivers license?

Can a 17 year old drive to school and work on a permit in ga?

no, if you're 17 you can get your license without having your permit. but if you don't have your license.... no driving by yourself!

Can a 16 year old get a drivers license to get back and forth to school if they have only had a learners permit for 10 months?

Fortunately, yes. They must have at least a Class D license; a Class CP is only a permit. If the 16 year old is caught, he may be prohibited from driving for up to ten years and fined, along with the parent of the person. In California, it is legal to drive to school at 16 with a permit if Mom or Dad (or and California-licensed driver over 25) is sitting next to you. Driving alone to school is NOT permitted on a permit.

Can a seventeen year old drive alone?

Yes, IF they have a driver's license and not just a permit.

In Florida if you are 16 and do not have a permit can you get your permit and license at the same time?

No. You have to get your permit and then wait a whole year to get your license. If you're 18 years old and older you can get your permit and license on the same day.

Can an 18 year old drive alone in Florida with a learner's permit?

You need a learners permit if you are under 18. If you are OVER 18, you can sit the test for the regular license without needing a permit first.

What highways are you allowed to drive with a NY permit?

A permit is just like a license except you have to have a 21 year old in the passenger seat. This means you can drive anywhere in the U.S. you want.

Can a 18-year-old with a learner's permit drive to work alone in the state of California?


Is a 16 year old allowed to drive without a license in a parking lot with an adult who does have a license?

No. Most states require at least a permit.

What are the legal limitations of 16 year old California driver?

-You must obey the traffic laws. -You must drive without a collision. -You must drive with your parent, guardian, spouse or an adult 25 years of age or older who has a valid California driver license. -You must hold your permit for 6 months before you can take your driving test to get your driver license.