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No, not necessarily.

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Q: Can an STD cause spotting
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You are spotting and im on the NuvaRing could you be pregnant or have an std?

Spotting could represent a side effect of NuvaRing or an STD. If your'e at risk for STDs, get tested. Signs of pregnancy are missing period and positive pregnancy test.

CAN an STD cause an ear infection?

yes, std's can cause many things.

What STD causes spotting?

While vaginal spotting can be a relatively normal thing for a woman to experience, if it is not typical of your menstrual cycle, you should consult with your physician. Sometimes, menstrual spotting is the result of an underlying problem or infection. * Menstrual spotting that is irregular and not typical of your cycle can be the result of a sexually transmitted infection or disease (STI/STD), and without treatment, it will not go away on its own. Common STIs that have been known to cause spotting include bacterial infections such as chlamydia or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). * If you're experiencing irregular spotting between periods, it's important you see a medical practitioner so they can determine if testing is necessary. Even if the spotting stops, testing for sexually transmitted infections is still a good idea, because bacterial infections will not go away without treatment even when/if the symptoms subside, and without treatment, prolonged infections can cause irreversible damage to the reproductive system.

Could spotting be the cause of something else besides pregnancy?

Spotting does not cause pregnancy. I assume you mean "does spotting indicate anything other than pregnancy?" The answer to this is, of course, yes. Spotting could indicate spotting. It's probably you period being finicky, or something along those lines.

Coming off the pill cause spotting?

Coming off birth control can and does cause spotting for a few days. This is the medication withdrawing from your system.

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Being on the pill can cause spotting between periods, called breakthrough bleeding.

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Do Sprintec and Jadera cause spotting?

Sprintec can cause spotting. Spotting with Sprintec should disappear after the first three cycles. To find out if there are drug interactions with the non-regulated Jadera diet supplement, contact your pharmacist with the bottle in hand.

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Does norplant cause brown spotting?

Spotting or bleeding, brown or red, is a common side effect of the contraceptive implant.