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Depends on the ages. You can be a minor buy be over the age of consent for sexual activity.

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Q: Can an adult get into trouble with the law if he gets a minor pregnant in Virginia?
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Are you in trouble if my girlfriend is 17 years old and pregnant and you are 23 years old?

Yes you are in trouble. You are an adult and she is a minor.

Can an adult get in trouble for being pregnant by a minor with consent of the minor's parent in the state of Arizona?

Yes it is illegal. Not only the adult for having sex and becoming pregnant by the child, but also the child's parents who agreed the activity.

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He will probably be charged as an adult and face trial for assault and battery.

Is it illegal for 17 year old boy to get a 25 year old girl pregnant?

It's the adult that will get into trouble if the minor, the 17yo, is below the age of consent.

Is a pregnant minor considered an adult in Ontario?

No, being pregnant does not make one an adult. You have to become an adult through age or a court order.

Will a person get in trouble for online solicitation of a minor if the minor lied and said they were an adult?

Yes, a minor lying is not a defense.

If an adult talk or text to a minor as friends would the adult get in trouble?

Depends on what the text is about. If it is sexual, yes the adult would get into trouble. If it were just as friends, I suppose not. But I am not really sure

Results of a minor being pregnant by an adult?

Hopefully, a lawsuit by the parents of the the case that the intercourse was not consentual. If the minor WANTED to have sex with the adult, there is really nothing the parents can do.

Are you considered an adult if your 16 and pregnant in Florida?

No. Pregnant or not, you're a minor until you turn 18.

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If both partners engage in sexual contact and one is a minor and the other is an adult and the female ends up being pregnant is the adult male going to get in trouble?

That will depend on the specific ages and the laws of that jurisdiction. Being a minor is different then being over the age of consent. There might not be anything illegal about it.

Are you an emancipated minor in the state of Georgia if you are a pregnant minor?

Be pregnant does not make you a legal adult. It gives you certain rights to obtain help for you and your child, but does not emancipate you.