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Yes, they can give anyone herpes if they have skin to skin contact with a person between their infected part (genitals) and another person's body. But in a normal household situation, without sexual abuse occurring, a parent, for instance, with genital herpes will not transmit herpes, oral or genital, to his or her child.

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Q: Can an adult who has genital herpes give a child mouth herpes?
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Can you get genital warts if Ive never had any sexual contact except kissing?

No, another persons mouth or genitals must touch yours to get genital warts. Genital warts usually come from herpes or HPV. you can get herpes in the mouth from kissing though, especially if the person you are kissing has herpes in the mouth.

Is herpes simplex type 1 contagious?

Yes. It is the virus that causes cold sores on the lips or mouth and genital herpes.

Why do people who dont have herpes get cold sores?

A person has to be infected with the herpes virus (type 1) to get a cold sore.

What is the organism responsible for herpes?

herpes simples, herpes labialis, or herpes gigngivitis.Herpes is a type of virus which cause disease in humans like encephalitis by herps zooster virus, genital herpes by HerpesviridaeThe condition commonly known as "herpes," referring to sores on the mouth or genitals, is caused by the Herpes simplex virus, or HSV. The are other forms of the virus, such as Herpes zoster, that cause lesions on other parts of the body.Virus is herpes simplex virus type 2 for genital herpes and type 1 for oral herpes.Shingles, which is a form of herpes is caused by chicken pox virus.STD

Which sti does the herpes simplex virus cause?

Herpes typically affects the mouth (causing cold sores or fever blisters) or the genitals (causing the eruptive disease herpes). Symptoms usually include: Itching, burning and or tingling around the infected area. Swelling Fever and or flu like symptoms. With genital herpes, burning pain when you urinate. Raised blisters or open paper cut like sores.

Can sperm cause cold sores?

Cold sores are caused by herpes simplex virus. It is possible to get oral herpes from someone's genitals or fluid that comes into contact with genital mucous membranes (i.e. sperm) "Genital Herpes is contagious via mucus membranes, found in the mouth, genitals, nose, eyes and anus. They contain a thick liquid in which Genital Herpes travels. Sperm and vaginal fluids will usually be mixed with the fluids from mucus membranes."

What is HSV 2?

HSV 1 is the virus that causes oral herpes which is what causes cold sores and fever blisters on the mouth. HSV2 causes genital herpes, usually located on the genitals, inner thighs, buttocks or anus. But HSV1 can affect the genitals. If some one with a visible cold sore gives their partner oral sex they could pass cold sores to their partners genitals. Also HSV2 can affect the mouth. If some one gives their partner oral sex around the time they have a break out of herpes then they could pass genital herpes to their partners mouth.

Do you get rash on your stomach from herpes?

Besides the sex organs, genital herpes can affect the tongue, mouth, eyes, gums, lips, fingers, and other parts of the body

Is a pimple by the mouth a sign of herpes?

It is NOT likely a pimple by the mouth is herpes.

Are cold sores contagious rights after you get them like say I was infected then 2 days later kissed my girlfriend could she get cold sores?

Yes, they are very contagious, cold sores are a form of herpes as well so under no circumstances should you perform any sexual activity using your mouth or there is a very good chance you will get genital herpes. Cold sores are usually Herpes simplex virus1 (predominantly orofacial), it is spread through close contact with the area of infection, Most people that have Herpes simplex virus 1 have it as a result of their parents passing it to them with close contact touching or kissing. this virus is always contagious but is particularly contagious when active, HSV2 which is also known as genital herpes Oral and/or genital herpes (predominantly genital), as well as other herpes simplex infections are spread through close contact and can be infectious at any time especially when active.

Is that small pimple on your lip herpes?

No, the virus that you're thinking of (HSV1) causes cold sores and fever blisters. HSV2 causes genital herpes. Both are members of the family Herpesviridae, but one is a common infection everybody gets and the other is an STD. They are both forms of herpes (that's what the H in HSV1 and HSV2 stands for...) A small pimple on your lip is most likely not genital herpes. They both are not 100% bound to one area. They both CAN be transmitted from mouth to genitals or genitals to mouth. If you recently gave oral sex to someone that had a current outbreak of genital herpes, it is possible (although not likely) that you contracted HPV2 on your lips. You can consult a physician to find out for certain.

Can you use fluocinonide ointment on ringworm?

If it's an antibbiotic then that won't work for herpes. For genital herpes the best way to treat it is with with antiviral medications like valtrex, famvir or acyclovir. If it's on your mouth then you can apply over the counter cold sore creams to treat it.