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Turtles can be cannibalistic. Adult and hatchling turtles should not mix. Also turtles with large size differences should be kept separate. A larger turtle would quite happily take a snap at a hatchling causing serious damage or death. So no, don't mix your baby turtles with your adults.

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13y ago

I don't see why not. Although the babies of these common southeastern turtles are mostly meat eaters of insects and such as long as they have enough room to roam they should be ok.

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Q: Can a baby yellow bellied slider live with a adult yellow bellied slider?
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What is a baby turtle with yellow and black stripes?

A baby turtle with yellow and black stripes is usually a yellow-bellied slider. Their skin is striped yellow and black, and their shells have yellow and black swirls.

Baby yellow bellied slider doesnt seem to be using his back feet just dragging them he is also very lethargic very concerned for him?

A yellow-bellied slider that is lethargic and dragging his back legs has a serious problem. He may have an infection or an injury. He should be seen as soon as possible by a veterinarian whose practice includes reptiles.

Can you put a baby yellow bellied turtle with your large yellow bellied turtle?

I wouldn't suggest it.

What is a nice treat for a baby yellow bellied slider?

Guppies are a good little treat, plenty of calcium plus it gives the turtle exercise from the chase and gives you abit of excitement.

How do yellow belly sliders mate?

Yes, red eared slidersand yellow bellied slidersare both part of the slider family, so they are easy to cross breed. If you go to a pet shop, you will notice that most baby yellow bellied sliders have faint red 'ears' because they were interbred with red eared sliders.

Your turtle dont eat turtle food which is floating?

Well my friend has a baby yellow bellied slider and it doesn't eat it as it floats she has to pick him up and hold him next to the food and he will extend his neck to eat it!

How smart is a baby yellow bellied slider turtle?

Turtles aren't exactly the smartest creatures; but they are smart enough to know about what to eat and hiding from predators and such. You can't really teach them tricks if that's what you're getting at ;)

What will happen if you put a baby false map turtle in a tank with an adult red eared slider?

what will happen is that the baby false map turtle will get along with the red ear slider .B ut it will just take a will.

Can you put a baby red ear slider with a adult red ear slider?

Depending. If it's a tiny baby there would be problems but with a baby from about at least 4-5 inches long he should be safe with an adult. The only problem would be if it was a male. My answer: If the adult was fully grown and the baby was new born, bad idea. There's a good chance the adult may try to eat the baby. I know because I have two red sliders, one a bit younger than the other :)

Can red eared sliders live with yellow belly turtles?

Yes, red eared sliders and yellow bellied sliders are both subspecies of "pond slider", in the wild where their range overlaps they mate quite often producing what are called "intergrades". The particular intergrade between a yellow bellied slider and a red eared slider often has features of both, large yellow markings on the head with a red corner.

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