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Yes, it can take off. Once the plane's engines are providing thrust against the air it will move forward, and all the belt can do is make the (freewheeling) wheels spin faster. As a thought exercise, imagine that the plane is being pulled by a rope rather than pushed by an engine. As long as the rope is pulling it through the air, no matter how fast the conveyor belt spins in the other direction it can't act against the pull of the rope, as the wheels effectively decouple the two. Many people can't see the difference between the plane and a car on the same belt - one moves by acting against the air, the other by acting against the surface of the belt.

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1w ago

Yes, an airplane can take off from a conveyor belt. The conveyor belt only moves the wheels, not the air around the wings that is necessary for lift. As the airplane moves forward, the wings generate lift to allow the plane to take off as normal.

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Q: Can an airplane on a conveyor belt take off?
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If a plane is traveling at takeoff speed on a conveyor belt and the belt is matching that speed in the opposite direction can the plane take off?

Yes, the plane can still take off. The plane's propulsion comes from the engines generating thrust against the air, not the wheels on the ground. As long as there is enough airspeed over the wings to create lift, the plane will take off regardless of the conveyor belt's speed.

How long does it take an airplane to get off the ground?

The time it takes for an airplane to take off can vary depending on the size of the aircraft, weather conditions, and airport congestion. On average, it can take between 30 seconds to 2 minutes for an airplane to accelerate down the runway and lift off the ground.

How fast does a passenger airplane take off?

A passenger airplane typically takes off at a speed of around 150 to 180 knots (170 to 210 mph) depending on the size and type of aircraft. The exact speed can vary depending on factors such as aircraft weight, runway length, and weather conditions.

What type of energy does an airplane taking off have?

An airplane taking off has kinetic energy, which is the energy an object possesses due to its motion. As the airplane accelerates down the runway and gains speed, it builds up kinetic energy that is then used to lift off the ground and continue its flight.

Is an airplane taking off down a straight runway an example of accelerated motion?

Yes, an airplane taking off down a straight runway is an example of accelerated motion because the airplane is increasing its speed as it moves along the runway before lifting off into the air.

Related questions

Can an airplane take off while on a conveyor belt?

yes it can. they did it on mythbusters. See related link for more information.

What happens when an airplane is on a conveyor belt?

Well, it matters how big the conveyor belt is...if it's normal factory size, the plane will crush it.....WAIT! What type of plane is it?!?!?! Are you confusing the question with: Can a plane take off on a conveyor belt? If so the answer is yes. See related questions.

What are the use of conveyor belt?

the use of the a conveyor belt is used to transport passengers luggage so that they can collect it when they get off the plane.

If a conveyor belt is moving at 100 mph, and a person is on the conveyor belt and running in the same direction at what would be 20 mph off the belt, how fast is the person going I would appreciate it if a formula and explanation is provided?

The person on the conveyor belt is moving at 120 mph relative to the ground. This is because the person is running at 20 mph relative to the conveyor belt, and the conveyor belt is moving at 100 mph relative to the ground. Therefore, the person's total speed is the speed of the conveyor belt (100 mph) plus the speed of the person relative to the conveyor belt (20 mph), giving a total speed of 120 mph.

Where is the conveyor of the diamond mine on Nabooti Island?

The conveyor belt is the large flat walkway at the top of the ore pile outside the mine. Once you set the timer to turn off the electric fence, run quickly up the ore pile, across the conveyor belt to the right, and down through the hole to the broken fence. (see related question)

When was the first Cadillac sports car produced?

The first Cadillac was rolled off the conveyor belt 65 million years ago.

Where did Shakespeare theater take off?

It was not an airplane, and thus could not take off.

Is the airplane go slow can it take off?

no it cannot take off if it is going slow

How do you beat factory balls 3 level 2?

blue, thin belt, pink, take off belt, thick belt, blue, take off belt

How do beat level 22 on factory balls 3?

dip ball in blue put | belt on dip in black take off | belt put - belt on dip in orange take off - belt put hat on dip in black take off hat put - belt on hat on dip in orange take both off put | belt on put hat on dip in blue take off both put - belt on and put the hat on to dip in orange take both off and there you go! :)

How long does it take a small airplane to take off?

Usually about a minute.

What is meant by take off mass of an airplane?
