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Steps to improving education in America:

1) Encourage people to go to the library and look at books in order to find out answers to their questions about Alligators and Anacondas (or anything, really).

2) Drill the grammar lessons, so that people who ask questions will be taken more seriously. (Would AN alligator win against AN anaconda?)

3) Ask people to be more specific with their questions in order to get the answer they are really looking for. (What counts as "winning?" Fighting? Population size? Popularity? Amount of food consumed at once?)

This is an obnoxious question. Learn about what AN alligator eats and how it obtains its food. Find out if it has any predators or other enemies. Repeat this process to learn about the anaconda. Then imagine what an interaction between an alligator and AN anaconda might be like if they chose to fight, instead of simply displacing or ignoring each other all together. Finally, understand that nature and its individual animals can interact in ways beyond our imagination or comprehension, and should simply be marveled at and appreciated for its mysterious wonder.

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12y ago
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11y ago

Most of the time I'd say the Nile croc, because they're mainly bigger. But there are many stories of giant anacondas that could swallow a Nile croc. But mainly a Nile croc would win.

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9y ago

Alligators live in southeast usa. Green anacondas live in south america. They will never meet. However, large male black caimans do eat green anacondas.

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Q: Would an alligator win against a anaconda?
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