

Can an e3 where a blood stripe?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Can an e3 where a blood stripe?
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Why is the red stripe before the white stripe on the us flag?

The red stripe comes before the white stripe because the red stripe stands for blood which means the sacrified blood that was lost in war when the U.S.A was found and the white stripe comes after because the white stands for pride, honor, and foundation.

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Crease? Do you mean "blood stripe?" The blood stripe which is the red stripe on Marine Corps blue trousers signifies the blood shed by those who fought and died in the Marine Corps.

When was the USMC blood stripe authorized?

Scarlet Trouser Stripe (Blood Stripe) - The red stripe was first seen on Marine uniforms in 1796. It was used off and on until uniform regulations made it standard on all NCO and Officer uniforms in 1859. It is rumored that the stripe represents the blood shed by Marines at the Battle of Chapultepec in the war with Mexico in 1846.

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Where is the placement of the blood stripe on the dress blues?

I sew Blood stripes on for a company,the stripe goes on the edge of pocket down leg,centered on seam.

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get him to the vet

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blood from the sheep that santa killed

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If you are talking about the USMC Blood Stripe this is a link to a quick down and dirty litte article that will tell you about that piece of MC History. OORAH

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E3 is not open for the public

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Stripe is a noun (a stripe) and a verb (to stripe).

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E3 takes place at the Los Angeles Convention Center.

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