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It can but it is not a good idea to to so. The heat emitted by the base board heater rises. Any wiring coming into contact with this heat will have to be de rated to a lower ampacity.

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Q: Can an electrical outlet be placed over baseboard heating?
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Why are baseboard electric heaters placed on outer walls of a room?

Baseboard electric heaters are placed on the outer walls of a room in order to radiate heat towards the center of the room. They also heat up the outer walls of which usually are cooler than the inner walls.

What components are placed in an electrical circuit to control the amount of resistance in circuit?

resistors, variable potentiometers

Why are some electrical plans placed on a floor plan and others on a separate sheet?

lol CEA i was looking for the answer too hahaha, i love you guys!!! (and PLTW) but here's the answer!!! 1. Sometimes electrical plans are placed on a separate sheet because things are very detailed and would be cluttered if they tried to fit it on a floor plan.

Is it legal to have an electrical outlet in a wall cavity?

The term "wall cavity" usually refers to the space between studs. Outlet boxes are usually fastened to one side of a stud or the other. Sometimes they are fastened to a crossbar, whether metal or wood, so they can be placed anywhere within the space. There are height limitations in order to count as required outlets but may be placed anywhere you need one. They are called convenience outlets and my friends often hear me say that if one isn't convenient, there aren't enough. If by "wall cavity" you mean a completely walled off portion of a building with no access, something that sometimes happens in commercial buildings, then no, it is not legal. You must have access to any splices in the circuit, which includes end of the line.

What is electrical design?

Electrical Design entails planning, creating, testing or supervising the development and installation of electrical equipment, including lighting design, power systems, power distribution, fire and life safety systems, electronic components and voice and data communications infrastructure. Typically, an Electrical Design position is held by an electrical engineer who has a bachelor's degree or even a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering. The electrical equipment may be placed in commercial, educational, industrial, hospitality, residential, medical or government facilities.

Related questions

Where should a timer be installed - at the electrical outlet or the end of a power cord?

The outlet would be the more often recommended place for it.An electrical timer can be placed anywhere within the circuit. Usually the timer would be placed at the front end of the circuit.

What is the minimum distance from the rim of a kitchen sink can you install a GFCI receptaclel?

An electrical outlet can not be placed behind a sink. If the outlet is witin 6 feet of a sink it must be GFI protected.

How far from a water facet must an electrical outlet be placed on an outside wall of a home?

It doesn't matter just make sure that the receptacle is of a GFCI type.

Why are baseboard electric heaters placed on outer walls of a room?

Baseboard electric heaters are placed on the outer walls of a room in order to radiate heat towards the center of the room. They also heat up the outer walls of which usually are cooler than the inner walls.

What is a receptacle?

Answer for botanyThe receptacle is the part at the bottom of a flower, that forms the base of the flower, that holds the rest up.Answer for electrical wiringA receptacle is what the plugs of electrical appliances can be plugged into.

Where is a thermometer normally placed in a house?

A thermostat for heating or a thermometer for air temperature is typically placed on an inside wall (not outside wall), and away from heating vents or direct sunlight.

What is the trim moulding placed at the junction of the floor and wall called?

It can be called either baseboard or baseshoe depending on where you're from. If you're installing vinyl flooring the trim piece is called quarter round and it attaches to the bottom edge of cabinets where you wouldn't have a baseboard installed.

When heating a substance over a Bunsen burner where should the object be placed for the most efficient heating?

The object should be placed in the hottest part of the flame, which is the tip of the inner blue cone. This is where the flame burns the hottest and will provide the most efficient heating. Be sure to adjust the height of the object to control the temperature and prevent overheating.

Is heating vents placed on the floor at home convection?


Should heating vents be placed near the floor or near the ceiling of the room?

Heating vents are typically placed near the floor to ensure better air circulation and distribution of warm air throughout the room. Placing them near the ceiling may lead to stratification of air, where the warm air stays near the ceiling and doesn't effectively heat the room.

When heating a substance over a bunsen burner where should the object be placed for most efficient heating?

The object should be placed at the tip of the inner blue cone of the bunsen burner flame. This is the hottest part of the flame and will provide the most efficient heating to the substance. Adjust the height of the object as needed to maintain the best heating.

Should heating vents be placed in the floor or ceiling?

on the floor on the floor