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Usually not. If part of a wave of a certain frequency gets absorbed, the remaining wave will still have the same frequency - and the same energy per photon.In special circumstances, due to the Doppler effect, loss of energy in a gravitational field, or to the cosmological redshift, waves can indeed lose energy in the way you describe in the question.

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Q: Can an electromagnetic wave lose or gain energy to change into a different type of magnetic wave For example can a microwave become a radio wave through a loss of energy?
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Is a micro wave an example of light energy?

Yes, a microwave is an example of electromagnetic radiation in the microwave range of the spectrum, which is a form of light energy.

Is a microwave an example of conduction?

No, a microwave is not an example of conduction. Conduction is the transfer of heat through direct contact between two objects, while a microwave heats food through electromagnetic radiation.

Is cooking food using a microwave oven an example of radiation?

Yes, cooking food in a microwave oven is an example of radiation. Microwave ovens use electromagnetic radiation to heat and cook the food by exciting the water molecules in the food, causing them to vibrate and generate heat.

Microwave is an example of what kind of energy transformation?

The microwave oven uses electrical energy to generate microwaves, which are a form of electromagnetic radiation. When the microwaves enter the food, they transfer their energy to the water molecules inside the food, causing them to vibrate and generate heat. This transformation is an example of electrical energy being converted into electromagnetic energy and then into thermal energy.

How is a microwave an example of a transverse wave?

A microwave is an electromagnetic wave, which is a form of transverse wave. In transverse waves, the vibration or oscillation of the wave occurs perpendicular to the direction of wave propagation. In a microwave oven, the transverse microwave radiation heats and cooks food by causing water molecules to vibrate at high frequencies.

Related questions

Is a microwave oven an example of electromagnetic energy?


Example of electrical energy to electromagnetic?

a microwave or a x-ray. Because when the microwave for example is plugged in or turned on is electrical energy and when the food is being cooked is when electromagnetic energy is used. Hope I Could Help :]

What is an example of electromagnetic energy in the kitchen?

All types of radio waves are electromagnetic energy, and that includes microwaves from the microwave oven.

Is heat transferred from a microwave to the food is a example of conduction?

No. It is an example of radiation. The heat is transferred by microwaves, which are a form of electromagnetic radiation. Conduction occurs when two objects of different temperatures are in contact or when different parts of an object have different temperatures.

Is a microwave an example of nuclear energy?

No, a microwave does not use nuclear energy. Microwaves generate heat by producing electromagnetic radiation to excite water molecules in food, causing them to vibrate and generate heat through friction. Nuclear energy involves the process of splitting atoms in a controlled manner to generate power.

What are electromagnetic oscillators?

when a charge oscillates for example in a capacitor it produce an electric field; which in turns produce a magnetic field in an inductance. the magnetic field oscillates perpendicular to the electric field and an electromagnetic waves perpendicular to both is produced.

Why is a vibrating electric field an example of an electromagnetic wave?

A vibrating electric field produces a changing magnetic field, which then generates a changing electric field and so on, creating a self-propagating wave. This wave consists of oscillating electric and magnetic fields perpendicular to each other and to the direction of wave propagation, thus exhibiting the characteristics of an electromagnetic wave.

Is anything that has a magnetic field a magnet?

no. For example if u have a straight wire with a current running through it there will still be an electromagnetic field but it will not be magnetic. If u coil it around a magnetic object such as a nail for example u will get a magnetic field as the charge moves from the north to south around the object and back to the north through the object.

Examples of electromagnetic?


Can you give Example for microwave devices?

microwave oven is one the example of microwave.

What are examples of electromagnetic force?

Examples of electromagnetic forces include the force of attraction or repulsion between charged particles, such as the force between protons and electrons in an atom, the force between two magnets, and the force between charged objects. These forces are carried by photons, which are the particles that transmit electromagnetic interactions.

What are some example of transverse waves?

Examples of transverse waves include seismic S (secondary) waves, and the motion of the electric (E) and magnetic (M) fields in an electromagnetic plane wave, which both oscillate perpendicularly to each other as well as to the direction of energy transfer. Therefore an electromagnetic wave consists of two transverse waves, visible light being an example of an electromagnetic wave. See electromagnetic spectrum for information on different types of electromagnetic waves. An oscillating string is another example of a transverse wave; a more everyday example would be an audience wave. Some examples of transverse waves include Atomic, Chemical, Heat, Electrical, Light, and Mechanical energy.